The Sweetest Gift - Scarlett Cole Page 0,23

no. And Uncle Jordan said no.”

Elliott ran his hand through his hair. “I said no because of Holly. And I know Harper and Lia said no because they were working on arrangements for tomorrow.”

Daniel nodded furiously. “I think everyone said no, so I think she went to look for those dancers to see if they’d join her.”

“So, let’s go. Where was it?”

Daniel ran out of the door and Elliott followed. They sprinted down toward the beach and crossed the street without even waiting for the lights to change. Elliott just threw his hand up to stop the cars that were starting to move, and completely ignored the irate drivers who honked their horns.

They passed Nik and Reid, who were searching the street, and followed the path down to the boardwalk.

It was busy with partygoers… Miami didn’t sleep, not even on Christmas Eve.

When they hit the boardwalk, Daniel stopped and closed his eyes, trying to remember if the dancers had been before or after this side street. “How far away is the hotel, Dad, if we were walking to get here?”

Elliott looked up the beach. “Maybe ten minutes. Fifteen, tops.”

They’d been walking about half an hour when they had stumbled upon the dancers. He remembered because Petal had complained about being tired and wanted ice cream right before she’d seen them and found a burst of sudden energy to dance with them. “It’s this way, to the right,” Daniel said.

“You sure?” Elliott asked.

“Yeah. I’m sure. It was farther along.”

Daniel and Elliott slowed a little so they could search.

“Petal?” Elliott called out, and Daniel copied him. In unison, they called her name.

“Hey,” a lady said, stopping them. “Are you looking for a little girl? Curly hair. Silver dress?”

“Yes,” Daniel said.

“Which way did she go?” Elliott added.

“She headed in the direction you are going, perhaps five or ten minutes ago. I tried to catch her because I figured she was lost, but she disappeared.”

Daniel’s heart began to race at the news. They were headed in the right direction. He tried to block out all thoughts of what disappeared could mean. He’d been abused. He’d been held captive in his room against his will by his uncle. The idea of anything happening to that precious little girl because he wouldn’t dance with her turned the pizza in his stomach to curdled cheese.

“Dad, what if something happens to—”

“Don’t,” Elliott said, stopping his fast pace to turn and face Daniel. “We can’t think like that, Bud. Not yet. We have to do everything we can to try and find her, first. And to do that, we have to try and keep a calm mind.”

“I don’t want what happened to me to happen to her,” he blurted.

Elliott reached for him and pulled him into a hug, squeezing him so hard it felt as though his ribs might break. “Oh, Daniel. Neither do I.” He released his hold. “So, let’s hold that thought and focus on finding her, yeah?”

Daniel nodded.

“Do you remember anything that might narrow down where the dancers were? Anything that might tell us we’ve gone too far.”

Daniel wracked his brain. “It was super close to the place we got ice cream. I’ll remember that place if I see it and will let you know.”

As they walked, they checked behind walls, across the beach. Elliott ran off the sidewalk onto the sand to get a better view of the beach, them both crying out her name.

Daniel scoured every nook and cranny, every narrow gap, every patio.

As the boardwalk opened up, he took a minute to stand in one spot and turn slowly to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. “Petal,” he yelled, cupping his mouth in the hope it would make his voice louder. “Petal.”


The word was faint, but he could have sworn he heard his name. He spun around to see if the words had come from behind him.

“Petal. It’s me,” he cried. “It’s Daniel.”

“Daniel.” The little voice got louder until Petal emerged from what appeared to be a crawl space between a planter and the wall. Her knees were scraped, her dress muddy, but he ran to her as she ran to him.

Daniel fell awkwardly to his knees. “Come here, Bug,” he said, opening his arms to her as she threw herself against his body. Tears began to fall in earnest as she sobbed against his shoulder.

“I can’t find them, and everybody is going to be so mad,” she said, her words punctuated with sobs.

“No, they won’t be.” Daniel stood, allowing her to wrap Copyright 2016 - 2024