Sweet Temptation - Wendy Higgins Page 0,64

their eyes and see the pity there. Or the mutual fear.

I can only assume Anna’s father will bring her to New York, or attempt to escape with her. But if they run, the demon lot will give chase, and they’ll be found. Either way, Anna is doomed.

I am twisted up inside like a rope in intricate, nonsensical knots, so full of anger and hatred I can scarcely hold it in. I don’t know how I’ll make it through this night. I don’t know how I’ll be able to watch what torture the Dukes have in store for Anna.

All day I’ve tried to put on my straight face and close off my heart to any feelings, but this is too big. I can’t numb myself. I can’t block it out. I don’t even know how she feels for me anymore, but it doesn’t matter. I know how I feel, and watching her suffer will kill me.

On the way to the hotel I stop at a spirits shop and use my fake ID to buy bourbon. I have to keep a tolerant buzz tonight in order to hide any possible bond that might show between me and Anna. Only the twins’ father, Astaroth, would have the ability to see it, but that would be enough to have the both of us killed. The five of us take a cab to the hotel and sit silently. Waiting. The tension in the room is like static electricity. I’m pouring bourbon into my flask when Kopano gets a call from Belial.

“Pick up Anna on your way to the summit. She’s in room 433. Same hotel as you.”

“Yes, Duke Belial,” he answers smoothly.

Of course Belial would ring Kope to collect her. I stare at the wall and shake my head.

We leave soon after that, sliding into our coats and winding scarves about our necks. My body is heavy as we take the lift down to Anna’s floor.

Kopano knocks on her door, and she opens it slowly. She smiles hesitantly when she sees it’s us. Nobody but Marna smiles back. Anna looks fit in a pair of black trousers with black heels and a puffy gray coat. Her hair is down and she’s exuding such a sweetness I have to look away before she meets my eye.

We leave to walk to the comedy club where the summit will take place—fucking demon humor. The six of us are the only people in Times Square who aren’t laughing and talking, plastered, or nutters. My fists are shoved tightly into my jacket’s pockets, and I cannot unclench them.

I keep Anna in my sight, and each time I feel her eyes on me, soft and warm, I want to close my eyes and savor it. Instead I lock my jaw and let the flavor of hatred roll around on my tongue.

I wonder if Belial has told her the rules about a summit—how Neph are not to speak unless asked a direct question. I wonder if Belial has taught her to lie with confidence when the Dukes question her. I wonder if—holy shit . . . is Anna still a virgin? My father will know. My fists clench tighter.

When we turn down the street where the summit will take place, I fall back to walk beside Anna. My eyes scan the area for immediate dangers. I’ve been listening out for Dukes all day, trying to catch any snatches of conversation that might give clues about what they’re after tonight, but it’s all bollocks. They say nothing of importance, so wrapped up in their own enjoyments.

Being next to Anna soothes me, and I can finally relax my hands and take them from my pockets. I want to look at her, but I’m afraid I will grab her and run.

It’s a cruel fate that Anna showed up at my gig that night last summer. It’s cruel that I opened my heart for the first time in my life to the one person who could so utterly annihilate me with her goodness. It’s a cruel fate that I pushed her away to keep her safe, only to lose her anyhow.

But she does have the hilt—the Sword of Righteousness that the nun gave her. I wonder what kind of damage she could do with it tonight. How many Dukes could she kill before she’s taken down? Does she have it in her?

We’re momentarily halted by a load of people spilling out of a club. Anna’s arm brushes mine, and I feel the back of her hand

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