Sweet Pain (Amatucci Family #3) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,95

of monsters for them to be sold to. I want them to experience a lifetime of the horror they inflicted on others. And then when their voices are broken from begging for a mercy that never came, I want to skin them. Shove a pike up their ass and put them up as a warning to anyone else who thinks that human trafficking is a solid career choice.”

She sighed and snuggled closer. “We’re kinda sick.”

I nodded. Shrugged. “I’m okay with that, really.”

She chuckled. “Me too. Thanks for being my sicko.” She turned, lifted her mouth.

“For the rest of our days, cupcake.” I sealed the promise with my lips on hers.

We sat there for a little while longer. My ass went numb, but, honestly, I didn’t care if my entire body went numb. I wasn’t moving until my girl was ready to face the horrors that waited for us in the other room.

She sighed after a couple minutes. “I supposed we should get back out there. They are my creation donors, after all. They might need some insider information or creative ways to kill them. I can definitely help with the latter, that’s for damn sure.”

I hugged her. “I’m in awe of you, Willow Koa Chase.” I pressed a kiss to her hair. “Jessa was right. Your light might dim and your soul may fracture, but baby, you don’t break.” I kinda wanted to be like her when I grew up.

Two tears slid from her eyes and down her cheeks. “Only because I have you now. You hold me together.”

I kissed her cheeks, sipped at her tears. “Ready?”

She nodded, sniffled. “I guess. Although my legs are a little numb, so we’ll see how walking goes.”

I chuckled. “Mine too. And my ass.”

We both hobbled to our feet. Probably looked like drunken sailors trying to get their land legs back. We made it back out to the living area.

The lights were still dim. Nik had a new graphic on the TV. “These show the most likely routes de Silva’s cartel uses. If we can shut down any of these main hubs, not only will the Amatucci family gain control of those sectors, but we can help shut down the human trafficking in those regions as well.”

In the reflection off the TV, Momma’s eyes were twinkling and her smile was huge. “Nik, are you sure you don’t want a job?”

“Hey now,” I said as I helped Willow back to her chair. “I leave for a little bit, and you’re poaching my crew?”

Momma chuckled. “You had more important things to worry about. Besides, maybe Nik would like more challenges than her current employment can offer.”

I snorted. “I’ll give her more challenges. Not the Amatuccis.”

“And, if I get a say—you know, in my own life—I’ll stick to the mostly legal side of things at PC. I’m more than willing to dip my toes for the Amatuccis though.” She paused. “For all of you but Rafe. I’m still chapped how you spoke to me the first time.”

Turo slapped his youngest brother over the back of his head. “Were you rude?”

I laughed out loud. “Considering the welcoming I got from all of you that day, I think it’s safe to say he wasn’t on his best behavior.”

Rafe flipped me off. “I stitched you up, didn’t I? Do you even have a scar?”

I pulled my shirt up. “I’m still healing, asshole.”

Rafe shrugged that off. “Not my fault you don’t heal quickly.”

Willow grabbed my shirt, pulled it back down. She leaned up into my face. “My eyes only.” She smacked her lips to mine before turning back to Nik. “So, if the Amatuccis want to solidify control in those key areas, they could essentially rule those particular regions with very little kick back and probably a lot of local hospitality?”

Nik nodded. “Yeah, in a nutshell.”

Willow nodded. “Amatuccis, I leave those discussions to you. Have we finetuned the plans for the party?”

“Nik, if you would be willing to meet with us later, we would like to hear all of your information about the networks you’ve outlined here,” Turo said, his voice focused on business.

Nik hit the lights.

We all blinked against the glare.

“Sure. I can do that.” Her lips quirked. “Assuming my lazy boss will let me take some time off.”

I laughed. “Of course. Family first.”

Momma sighed happily. “Figlio, you make my heart happy.”

I winked at the older woman.

“Get the ring, ragazzo. I will not tell you again,” she said sternly.

“MOMMA!” Willow gasped. “Stop.”

Momma waved that away. “He says family first. He

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