Sweet Pain (Amatucci Family #3) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,92

use her informal name for her. That would have been a breach I wouldn’t have stood for. I still wasn’t sure I liked the man. I would try, if Tali needed me to. But right now, the jury was still in deliberations.

“You will need a drop of your blood,” Momma said.

Tali rocked forward, one of Mas’ knives in her hand. “I’ll get it for you, Momma.”

In a move that looked choreographed, Foster darted forward and had the knife out of Tali’s hand before she made it even halfway across the table. With his free hand, he gripped her hair. Held her head back at a sharp angle. “Hellcat, if I wanted you to draw my blood, I would have asked you to. Now sit down so I can join your family, please.”

I held my breath, my eyes flicked between them like we were at a Wimbledon match. Holy cannoli crapoli. What the hell was going on?

I took a quick peek at the Amatucci brothers. Turo and Nico had matching smirks on their faces. Rafe was busy drawing in the condensation on his glass.

Mas though…Mas was standing at Tali’s shoulder. His focus was a living breathing thing on Foster. I felt the watchful poised menace of both men. One waited for a woman. The other on the man.

It was Tali’s move.

I saw her lips move, but couldn’t make out the words.

Foster’s lips quirked the slightest degree. “You had your chance. Should have taken it then.”

“Tali, just sit down. He’s taking the oath. Not asking to marry you,” Rafe drawled.

Tali dropped her hold on Foster’s hand in her hair. “Fine.”

Foster let go of her slowly. The power play was as obvious as the sun in the sky on a clear day.

No wonder T’s pissed. She wasn’t used to men she couldn’t boss around or wind around her little finger. And since Foster wasn’t panting after her, I could only imagine what their time together had looked like.

Tali dropped into her chair. Her cheeks were as red at Nik’s hair. I caught her gaze. Widened my eyes.

She gave me our signal that we would talk about it later.

I dipped my chin slightly. Gave her a smile and crazy eyes. It was our ‘we’ll kill the fucker’ look.

Her lips twitched as the flush left her cheeks.

Foster looked back at me.

I gave him straight-face. Asshole was about to learn what it meant when he messed with my sister. I narrowed my eyes at him the longer he watched me.

“Now, Foster. We do not have all night,” Momma said with a sigh.

Foster turned back to Momma. Nodded. “Si, Madre.”

Momma smiled. “Spill a drop of your blood. I, say your name…”

He eased the edge of the knife into the pad of his thumb. “Io, Foster Cason Ambright,…”

“By the blood of my body, do swear to take this oath to my grave.”

Foster repeated her words immediately. In Italian. “Per il sangue del mio corpo, giuro di prestare questo giuramento alla mia tomba.”


Momma’s smile grew as she finished the oath. “I will not speak about family matters with outsiders. I will not betray any action or deed ordered by the Don. I will not betray a brother or sister. I will do nothing to endanger a brother or sister. If I break any of these rules, I accept the punishment. If someone dies because of my action, my life is forfeit.”

Foster carried on like the kiss-ass he obviously was. “Non parlerò di questioni familiari con gli estranei. Non tradirò alcuna azione o atto ordinato dal Don. Non tradirò un fratello o una sorella. Non farò nulla per mettere in pericolo un fratello o una sorella. Se infrango una qualsiasi di queste regole, accetto la punizione. Se qualcuno muore a causa della mia azione, la mia vita è incamerata.”

I looked at Tali, tipped my head in Foster’s direction.

She rolled her eyes, nodded.

Once Foster was done, Ryker sighed. “Fucking teacher’s pet.”

Foster sent him a huge, blinding smile. “Just because you dropped out of Italian, doesn’t mean we all did.”

Ryker flipped him off.

Momma smiled as she sat down. “Ryker, the meeting is yours.”

Ryker straightened in his chair. “I think I’ve figured out a way to take down the Chases.”

Chapter 29 – Ryker

“Nik has found proof of their involvement not only with de Silva, but also with supplying Errington with at least ten of his victims. Direct proof.”

“Twenty-two. The collective finished. I just got the update,” Nik added.

Ryker nodded. “Twenty-two.” I watched Willow for signs of upset or illness. When she did some

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