Sweet Pain (Amatucci Family #3) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,85

top…well, my sweatshirt. Then she reached out, touched my chin. “I’m all yours. Always will be. No one else gets to touch me, hero. Not even my girl squad.”

I bit my lip to keep from blowing my load right then and there. This woman took me from zero to nutting in nothing flat. “Nico, leave.” I carried Willow to our bedroom, kicked the door shut behind us.

I tossed her on the bed. “Are you drunk?”

She shrugged. “Maybe? I’m not sure.”

I bit my lip again, this time to keep from jumping her body. “You want some water or anything?”

She shook her head. “I want you to make love to me.” She held her hands out.

I shook my head. “Baby, you’re drunk. I don’t do that. I don’t ever want to take you while you’re out of your mind. I want you to be with me one hundred and ten percent. Participating. Enjoying. Screaming. Whimpering. I want you to remember each time we’re together. Not have it blurred or be wiped away with the fog of alcohol.” I pressed my lips to her forehead.

She pouted. “Please?”

I chuckled, shook my head. “Maybe next time, you’ll only get tipsy.”

Her eyes brightened. “I’m only tipsy.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh yeah?”

She nodded. “Give me a test. I’ll pass it. Then I’ll make you come first and win our bet.”

I snorted. “Okay. Stand up.” I backed up, folded my arms over my chest.

She popped to her feet. Except for one little sway, she stood upright.

“Say the alphabet backwards.”

Her face screwed up in concentration, but she nailed it. Her smile was beautiful. “Can I suck your cock now? I promise I’ll finish you. Swallow you down.” She made an exaggerated gulping noise.

My dick twitched.

“Walk in a straight line, heel to toe.” I had to make sure she was still mostly lucid. I was serious about not touching her if she was fully drunk. Tipsy I could deal with. Especially since she kept asking for it.

I moved to the far side of the room, beckoned her forward with a crook of my finger.

She did it. Without looking at her feet. Without putting her arms out to the side for balance.

I was tempted. Goddess knows I was tempted. But that tinge of haze in her gaze made me feel like a bastard for even thinking about taking her. I shook my head. “I believe you. But I don’t think I could live with myself if I took you and you weren’t sober.”

Her face fell. “Can I still suck your cock? You don’t have to do anything to me. I just want to feel you inside my mouth again. Inside me at all. Please?” She threaded her fingers together, put them under her chin.

My cock jerked and twitched. Fuck. At this rate she wouldn’t even need to touch me. She could just talk about touching me. Once again this woman turned me into a teenager. In all the good and worst ways.

I shook my head. “No. We’re keeping our hands and mouths to ourselves.”

She looked at her feet. Nodded. She stood there looking lost and alone.

Alone. In our fucking room. In our fucking house. I shook my head. This wouldn’t do. I walked to her, put a finger under her chin.

She raised her gaze to mine. Her mossy green eyes were sparkling with unshed tears.

My brow furrowed. “What’s all this?”

She smiled lopsidedly. Shrugged. “I don’t know. I feel…rejected, I guess?” She tried to shake it off. Tried to back up.

I held her to me. “I’m not rejecting you. Ever.”

“But you’re not going to let me give you pleasure.” She made it a statement.

When I said nothing, she nodded. “That feels like rejection.” She wrenched her face away. “That’s all I wanted. Just to give you something. Bring you some joy and happiness.” She laughed, the sound hollow. “I made you some cupcakes. Cinnamon and vanilla buttercream frosting. Maybe those will give you pleasure.”

“Willow, I—”

She walked into the bathroom, shut the door softly.


Chapter 26 – Willow

I bit my lip to keep from sobbing as I leaned back against the door. This was so stupid. I knew he wasn’t casting me aside. But goddess did it feel like it. If this is what mojitos did to me, they were forever and always on my no-go list.

I dashed my fingers under my eyes. Stop being such a child. He was treating you with care. Love. Respect. And you’re going to go all girly on him? Whine and cry because he won’t let you have

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