Sweet Pain (Amatucci Family #3) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,83


The guys all jetted to their own cars. It was a race to get out of the garage and back to my penthouse.

Like a group of idiotic teenage males who were street racing, we darted and zipped through traffic. Earning honks and middle fingers. I didn’t care. I was going to put a stop to whatever those girls were doing to my woman.

Hadn’t I said no touching? I wasn’t willing to share her. Not even with her friends. Which she’d said they were all straight. So why the hell were they dipping their fingers in each other’s pussies?

I stomped on the gas pedal. My car shot forward, forcing me back into the seat. Once my building came into view, I peered up at the brightly lit top floor. Light speared from the windows out into the night.

They were feeling each other up with the lights on? What? They needed to see everything in minute detail? They didn’t know what pussies or tits looked like?

My dick was hard enough to bend steel. I gritted my teeth. Didn’t matter. My girl was about to get a hard lesson in who she belonged to. And it wasn’t those women she called her squad. Or her tribe. Or whatever the fuck other name they used.

Mine. She was mine.

With squealing tires, I bounced into the parking garage at my building. Throwing the car into park, I had the door open and was mostly out of the vehicle before I remembered to grab the keys.

Three cars screeched in next to mine. The guys were out and racing over by the time I hit the button to my private elevator. The doors slid open.

“Don’t even think of leaving us down here, Penn. You do, I’ll send Mas to give you a nighttime greeting,” Turo threatened.

I stepped through, held a hand between the doors. “Then get the fuck on.”

They poured on the speed.

As soon as the doors closed behind Nico, I hit the buttons and held my hand up to the security plate. “Hold on, boys.” I grabbed the rail as I hit the button for the express ride. I called it Warp Speed when I was alone.

I left my guts on the floor as we shot up forty floors. My legs threatened to buckle as we jerked to a hard stop at my penthouse. I ground my teeth as I waited for the fucking doors to open.

Finally! I stormed through the opening. “Willow Koa Chase!” I bellowed.

A loud series of screams sounded from the living room. I turned the corner and saw all of them scatter like little mice. I zeroed in on my girl and scooped her up. She was completely clothed, in one of my sweatshirts, no less.

She peeked up at me. “Hey, hero.” Her sage green gaze was slightly hazy. “What brings you by?” she snickered.

I looked around the room. Blankets had been abandoned, pillows dropped and kicked away. Nico had Jessa up in his arms over by the kitchen island.

Turo had Nik cornered by the elevators. Damn that girl could run.

Foster had his hands out. With the way Tali was swaying and wobbling, I was going to assume it was to catch her before she toppled.

“Start speaking,” I snarled at Willow. “Who touched you?”

“Jessa.” She pointed across the room.

“Willow, you traitor! It was Nik!”

“Traitor! We promised not to tell. First sign of trouble and the good doctor folds. Willow’s at least got a reason. She was a virgin before she met Ryker,” Nik yelled.

“Tali, did you touch any of them?” Foster asked softly.

She nodded. “And they touched me. What are you doing to do about it, Double-O Seven?” She ran her hands up and down her body.

I saw Foster clench his hands into fists. “First, we’re going to sober you up. Then, I’m going to show you why playing games and cheating doesn’t work for me.”

Willow wiggled in my arms. “Don’t you hurt her, you douche. I’m still not sure I like you.” She yelled it at Foster, shook her fist at him.

She almost bashed me in the head.

I got in her face. “You hush. You knew the rules and you chose to break them.”

When she looked up at me with her somewhat unfocused eyes, I felt my belly twitch. And not in good ways. She’d let someone else touch her. Someone else handle her body.

Give her pleasure.

She was mine. And only mine.

“Tell them, Willow, or I will,” Jessa demanded.

I looked over at her and Nico. He had a fierce glare on his

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