Sweet Pain (Amatucci Family #3) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,68

I laughed.

“As much as I both want to—and don’t want to—climb through all that juicy dirt on my disgusting creation donors, I really want a day that doesn’t revolve around the awfulness that is real life,” I said after Nik and I both took drinks to seal our squadity. Yes, I was making it a word.

She nodded. “I heard through the grapevine that we’re supposed to bring our favorite recipes and baking staples.”

I nodded. “Yes. Bring all of them.”

Nik took another drink. Heat flared on her cheeks. “I don’t have a favorite recipe. I never learned to cook. I eat mostly salads or steaks that I don’t charr beyond recognition.”

I shrugged. “Then get ready for a sugar coma while you taste and sample your way through the room. We’ll get you started on your own recipe box soon enough. I can teach you to cook if you want. I’m definitely a better baker. Tali’s the chef genius in the squad. But I’d bet she’s more than happy to teach you as well. Her or Momma.”

Nik’s eyes sparkled. “I loved Momma’s cooking.”

I groaned. “Right? To. Die. For.”

Nik nodded. “As long as you tell me what to bring, I’ll bring it. But I just wanted to let you know I won’t have anything to contribute to the whole sharing portion of the evening.”

“No worries on that score. Welcome to a brand new world of recipe sharing. It’s one of the few non-sucky parts of adulting that I’ve found.” I raised my soda in toast.

She chuckled. “Then I better get a good box.”

I snickered. “I’ve got one you can have.”

“Oh. Hell. No!” Ryker groaned. “Don’t go to the dark side, Nik. Stay in the light. In the non-confusing light.”

I shoved my butt into his pelvis. “Shush. I’ve captured her. She is mine.”

“But I had her first.”

“Then you didn’t treat her right, bossman. She’s mine now.” I gave a truly awful evil laugh.

Both Nik and Ryker stared at me.

“Yeah. Don’t do that again. It was scary,” Nik said as she shuddered delicately. “And I’ve taken down huge men who were supposed to be terrifying.”

I sparkled. “It was good?”

She shook her head. “No. Very bad.” She tipped her head to the side. “But all the creepier for it, so I guess that’s a win?” She shrugged. “Either way, don’t do it again.”

I laughed. “Agreed.”

Nik drained her glass of water and started packing up her laptop. She slid it into the case she carried like other women carried couture purses. “I’ll see you tonight then. What time?”

“The festivities will commence at six.”

Ryker groaned. “Dammit.”

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t listen to him. He gets to go play poker and do man things.”

Nik snorted softly. “I like poker.”

I sucked in a breath. “Et tu, brute?”

Nik laughed. “If one of you whips out a pillow, I’m out. I draw the line at pillow fights.”


She waved as she made her way back to the elevators.

“Bring your jammies,” I called after her.

She shot me a thumbs up as the doors closed.

I sighed. “Since meeting you, all of my girlfriend slots have filled up.” I looked up at the love of my life. “Who knew you had so many cool chicks in your life that you weren’t sleeping with?”

He huffed a laugh. “So glad I could fill your non-sexual dance card, cupcake.” He rubbed a hand down my back. “Doing okay?”

I nodded, sighed. “I knew they were horrible people. I didn’t know they were that horrible.” I shivered. “We’ve got to shut them down.”

“We will. And I think I have just the way to do it.” He pressed a kiss to my lips. “But let’s leave that for tomorrow. My office or your bakery first?”

I mulled that over. “Let’s do the bakery. I can grab any supplies I need for tonight. Then we’ll be in the building if we run low on the time later. That work for you?”

He nodded. “As long as I’m with you, we can do whatever you want.”

I smiled. “I never would have thought you the cheesy, sappy type. You seemed so much cooler and suave before. Granted, I mostly wanted to rearrange your face with my mixer back then, but I like your cheese. It’s the perfect flavor.” I pushed up to my toes, took his mouth in a fast kiss.

I pulled back to breathe as he groaned.

“I wasn’t sappy before you. Mostly I couldn’t be bothered to do more than issue orders or grunt at people. You’re the one who brought out my cheese game, cupcake.

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