Sweet Pain (Amatucci Family #3) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,43

plan? We need to get her back to the hospital as soon as possible,” Mom said. Her voice was trembling as she crossed her arms to hug herself.

Mas outlined a plan in his broken voice. “Unless they are complete idiots, they know their leader and at least three soldiers are missing. If they have any sense whatsoever, Nia would have set up some form of check-in to be completed after the…target had been hit.” He looked at each of us.

I fought not to look at my mom. I wasn’t sure I could stand to see the accusations on her face. She’d been careful so far, but I wasn’t really willing to risk it. Not this close to getting Corrie back.

“Nia?” Mom asked, her tone full of confusion. “Wait. Is your name Massimo? I know Nik called you Mas.”

Mas turned, looked at my mother fully. He dipped his head once. Kept his gaze on hers.

My mom’s blue eyes widened before I saw a familiar glint enter her eyes. “I need to speak to you privately after this is all over. And everyone needs to forget I just said that.”

Brows furrowing as I looked between Mas and my mom, I ran over a variety of possibilities in my mind. The fact that mom even knew Antonia de Silva before this incident was telling. Which meant de Silva had contact with the state of New York’s family court system. Antonia had made some deathbed confession about having a kid of Mas’ that he knew nothing about.

Oh shit. If my mom had even an inkling of where Mas’ kid might be…I left the thought unspoken, even in my head. We’d cross that bridge when we came to it. Even if I had to stand between my two families to make it happen.

Mas studied my mother for a long moment. Nodded. “We also know that Cavendish was a partner of Nia’s.”

“Was?” Mom asked. “Is Antonia de Silva missing or dead?” she asked in blatant, no nonsense fashion she was known for the courtroom.

None of us answered.

Mom turned to me. “Please. I have to know.” She reached out, her hands trembling. “That monster has my baby girl.”

A broken sound escaped Mas at her words.

I winced. “Mom, we literally can’t discuss it right now. But as soon as we get Corrie back, we’re all going to be having a sit down. I can promise you that. Can you keep it together or do you need to stay here with someone to keep you here?” I made my voice hard. We were out of time and her questions and interruptions were slowing everything down.

Mom’s eyebrow raised high at the bite in my voice. Her upper lip curled for a brief moment before she schooled her features. “I’m going in there. But we will be discussing this.” She crossed her arms and looked pointedly at Mas.

Mas nodded. “My unit will go through the elevators from the parking garage. Nik, I’ll need the detailed schematics of the building. As close to current as you can get them.”

Nik nodded, turned back to her gear. Her fingers started tapping and ticking at the keys. Turo turned to keep her in his sight lines.

Mas turned to his adopted sister. “Willow, you’ll go through the parking garage with us, and using this,” he slapped a small black box into her palm, “you’ll open the service elevator.”

“Ryker, you, Turo, and Nico can go in the front doors. Make as much noise and commotion as possible. We need them distracted enough for Willow to slide past them into the service elevator.”

“Why the service elevator?” I asked, my fingers digging into Willow’s hip. She was being sent in a different direction. Away from me. Out of my control.

“Because I need someone holding the door to the only elevator big enough to hold a hospital bed. Usually it’s locked down from the main console. Which I’m assuming is under the control of Nia’s men.” Mas winced slightly as he scratched at his neck. He gave me a steady look.

I exhaled as I understood he was sending her in, but to the one part of the building that would be clear. I gritted my teeth. Nodded.

Willow slid her hand down my side, tucked it into the back pocket of my jeans. Pinched my ass. “I’ll be fine,” she said softly.

I just hugged her tighter. She was putting herself in danger for my half-sister. Simply because Corrie was related to me. Because Willow loved me.

“After we get Corrie out of

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