Sweet Pain (Amatucci Family #3) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,136

against me. No longer new and bright, but so very tempting all the same.

Mas cleared his throat softly. “If we could get back to the security arrangements, I do have other things that need my attention.”

Ryker set me on my feet. We both turned to my adopted brother. “Have you heard anything?” Ryker asked.

Mas shook his head. “No. We are following the leads from Daphne. It will take time, but I am fully devoted to the search for my daughter.”

I nodded. “I know. If you ever need anything from either of us, you’ve only to call.”

He nodded. “I know this. Thank you.”

“Let’s go back to the study,” Ryker said as he ushered us all in there.

The Amatucci family was sitting around the conference table. Momma and Papa were at the head, facing the giant screen Nik had instructed to be hung on the south wall.

The woman herself was standing in front of it, a red laser pointer in her hand. She was circling a portion of Brazil on the map. “This is the last known contact for de Silva’s sister. Cousin. We’re still not sure on the relationship. De Silva was aces with data. I’m going to be asking the collective.”

Papa raised his hand, a happy smile on his face. “What is this collective to which you refer all the time?”

Nik’s cheeks heated. “A group of likeminded white hat data fiends.”

Ryker chuckled. “Try again in English, Nik.”

She waved that away. “A group of hackers who Robin Hood it.”

The mafia family of New Trenadie smiled and nodded. “Excellent. Are you their leader?” Papa asked.

Nik laughed. “No, there is no official leader. We just present issues. Whoever is free takes it on and sends back the info they find. If it’s a big task, like this or the Chase case, then we set up a tiered system. But it rotates depending on need.”

Papa smiled again. “You are very young to have such knowledge and social capital.”

Nik shrugged. “I’ve been playing on computers since I was five or six. I’m just good at getting them to do things.”

Papa shook his head. “We will teach you to stand with pride with your skills.” He winked at her.

Nik looked at me, a ‘what the fuck?’ look on her face.

I smiled. Winked at her too.

She rolled her eyes. “So, if there are no other questions about this part, I need to get going. I’ve got a class to teach.”

“Wait!” I reached out to her. “Before you go,” I looked around the room, noted most of everyone we wanted was already here.

Nik stopped what she was doing. Namely packing her stuff away.

Ryker came up, took my hand. “We’re getting married next weekend. We’d like you all to join us.”

The room erupted into Italian curses and chaos.

Ryker leaned down and whispered against my ear, “Family. Thanks for sharing them with me.” He pressed a kiss to my head.

Chapter 43 – Ryker

Next weekend

“Archie, you look so handsome,” Grams said as she came into the room on Baxter’s arm.

Baxter helped her to a chair. “That’s Ryker, Alda. He’s your grandson.”

My heart ached for a moment. I’d been hoping she would have a good day. A day she’d never forget. I guess it had been a bit of a pipe dream. Dementia didn’t discriminate on stealing memories. It eventually stole them all and it was a greedy bitch.

Grams’ face clouded for a second. Then her green eyes brightened. “I know my own boy, Baxie. Stop fussing. Go away now.” She slapped at the man’s arm. “I need to impart some wisdom on him.”

I nodded at Baxter. He walked back to the door, but didn’t leave. “What’s up, Grams?”

She looked up at me. “I can see that you’re happy. Which is good. But you need to know that marriage is more than just the happy. It’s the boring, the normal, the sad, the horrible.”

I squatted down, took her hand. “I know that, you old bird. I thought you were going to tell me something I didn’t know.”

She laughed, slapped my hand. “Then listen closely.” She crooked her finger so I would lean closer.

I obliged her. “What?”

Her smile was angelic. “You need more than just love. You need devotion. And dedication. You need to put her first, always. She’ll put you first, always. That way you’re both taken care of by the person you love most. On the bad days when you just want to drown her in the pool, remember that the next day you might want to hold her down and

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