Sweet Pain (Amatucci Family #3) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,134

You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me or one of the officers detaining you?”

“Adam and Jennifer Abernathy. Louise Allcot. Colten Brestin. Martin and Verna Brookemeyer.”

I tuned out the rest of the names. Although, I do have to admit to enjoying the attempted scrambling of some of the monsters. One older lady even walloped one of the younger men trying to flee. A storm of flashes went off.

I smiled. I couldn’t wait to see that one in the papers tomorrow.

The Amatucci brothers were still standing on the side of the platform. Duct tape covered both Winslow’s and Beverly’s mouths. Winslow was glaring daggers of hate at his daughter.

I nudge Willow over to Jessa. “I’ll be right back.” I kissed her hair.

Walking over to the bastard, I squatted down to my haunches. “Winslow, it seems you’re of the mind that women are nothing more than trash. That they are to be used by men in whatever way fetches the best benefit or profit.” Casually, I reached down, grabbed his dick. I shifted so the cameras couldn’t see what I was doing, no matter their angle.

His face blanched white as his eyes widened into the size of saucers. “You raped my mother to help you with a business deal.”

Beverly shrieked under her gag.

I looked at her. “Don’t pretend you didn’t know, you dirty bitch.”

She shrank back from me, color leaching from her face. She shook her head.

I turned back to the man who reminded me too much of my own father. I twisted his dick as Mas and Turo held him still for the punishment. “I’m going to make it my mission in life to make sure you are stuck in the worst prison. There were girls on your list, Winny. Know what the Brunos and Billys of prison do to men who pimp kids?”

His eyes tried to roll back up into his head.

I twisted his dick in the other direction. “I’m going to pay money, lots of it, to keep you alive. Just alive enough to enjoy the daily touch of the biggest dick in prison. Just when you think you’ve escaped into the arms of death, I’ll swoop in and make sure you’re given the best possible care to keep you among the living.” I squeezed down on his cock until I felt a muscle in my hand cramp. “Just like you did with your daughter. Just like you did to my mother.” I leaned forward. “Happy life, you sick motherfucker. I hope you get ripped apart so I can sew you up again and again.”

I dropped his dick, patted a hand to his cheek. It was clammy and cool. Grimacing, I wiped my hand on his tux jacket.

I looked up at Mas and Turo as I straightened. They nodded. Mas had a slight smile on his face I hadn’t seen before.

I went back to Willow’s side. Pulled her against me one more time. She curled into my body. She was shivering the slightest bit. I set her away for a second, pulled off my jacket. Wrapping it around her and that ridiculous excuse for a dress, I pulled her back under my arm.

Wright had finished reading off the list of names. “Once all the processing has been completed, I will be holding a press conference. It is my duty to inform you that Ethan Errington is dead. Once this case has been settled and all persons involved satisfied, the remainder of his estate to go to probate.” He turned to Willow again.

“As the executor of his will and estate, Willow Chase nee Errington, will be liquidating his assets. She has requested I inform you all, in addition to the families not represented here, that she will be setting up a shelter in New Trenadie for those who have been victims of human trafficking. While sex trafficking is the most publicized form of human trading, it is not the most expansive. If any of you would like to approach her about donating to this cause, please reach out to my office. We have set up a dedicated line to help streamline that process for her.”

The media roared with shouted questions and blinded us all with their flashes. The questions ranged from what had happened to her personally to inquiring if taking down her parents was her

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