Sweet Pain (Amatucci Family #3) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,122

get the plates and bring out the steaks.”

Ryker nodded, headed outside.

I gathered up the items, put them all on a big tray. If I could make it in one go, I figured that would be best for everyone. Ryker held the door for me, took the bag of marinating steaks off the top.

Turo came back out, a bottle of wine in his hands. He was in black sweatpants and a gray hoodie. I blinked. I knew he wore casual clothes, but it was always such a surprise to see him in them. I was pretty sure Turo had come out of the womb in a three piece suit, shiny shoes, and a tie.

He was still barefoot as he danced over the cool concrete of the back patio. He flipped a switch on the wall and the outdoor heaters kicked on. The radiant floor heating did as well.

I sighed in pleasure as the heat began to wrap around me. A dress on an early fall night wasn’t exactly toasty warm. I curled up on the outdoor couch. Watched while the guys played with the grill.

“Eggs.” I put my wine down, got back up. Going back inside, I padded barefoot to the kitchen. From deep in the belly of the house, I heard Turo’s phone ringing.

I angled back outside. “Turo, your phone’s ringing.”

He shook his head. “What tune is it?”

I ducked back into the house. I didn’t recognize it. “Some kind of weird death metal song?”

He jolted and raced into the house, almost knocking me over in his haste. “Sorry!” he called.

I looked at Ryker.

We both shrugged.

I went back to the fridge, got the eggs and a big cast iron pan. Grabbing up the butter and salt and pepper, I was walking towards the patio door when Turo came back out. “We need an extra setting. Nik is coming to dinner.”

I smiled. “Awesome. My hands are full, so you’re on plate, fork, and knife duty.”

He nodded, angled towards the kitchen.

“Nik is coming for dinner,” I announced.

Ryker nodded. “I’ll put the last steak on then.” I heard the sizzle as he put words to action.

I sat down and watched the boys cook while we waited for Nik to show up. When she finally did, I saw that her cheeks were pink and her eyes were sparkly. I waved her over, poured her a glass.

“What’s got you all…glowy tonight?” I waved my hand in a circle around her head.

“I just found the sexiest dress for the gala.” She clinked her glass to mine.

“Oh. Do tell.” I took a sip.

“Well, it’s long. Has a matching deep V cut on front and back.” She looked at the grill really quick before she leaned forward. “It’s south of my belly button and just north of my ass crack.” Her hazel eyes gleamed.

I giggled. “What color?”

“A deep emerald green.”


“Nude Louboutin stilettos. About five inches.”

I whistled. “Just don’t break an ankle when you give Turo a heart attack.”

She snorted. “Pretty sure he’s going to lecture me about showing skin.” She rolled her eyes. “Why the man is sexier than sin and has the morals of a lifelong nun is a great disservice to womankind. And a real drag.” She gave me serious-face.

I rolled my lips in. “Turo? That man standing next to Ryker?”

She nodded. “Obviously.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “That is a Grade A manwhore. Morals of a nun,” I said with a laugh.

She jerked back, her eyes wide. She shook her head after a minute. “Girl, you lie like a dog.”

I snorted. “I’m pretty sure you’re way too young to use that phrase. And I’m not lying.”

She shook her head. “But…but no. I threw myself at him. Practically did a strip tease and he patted me on the head and walked away.” Her face was pale.

Right before it went pink.

Then red.

I leaned back. Unsure where this was heading. “The man sprinted to his room to answer your call. Sprinted. The fastest I’ve seen that man move outside of business is a steady meander.”

Her hazel eyes were a curious golden fire as she stared at me.

“He wants you, Nik. If he’s putting on the brakes, it probably means something,” I said softly as the men joined us.

“Ladies, how’s the wine?” Turo asked.

“Good. Thanks,” I said when Nik just watched him without saying anything.

She nodded. “Very good.” Her voice was low, husky. She looked up at him through her lashes as she took another sip.

Turo cleared his throat, looked away. “Excellent. Ryker says the steaks are done if you

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