Sweet Pain (Amatucci Family #3) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,116

leave as soon as you want. Hell, we don’t even have to go in. I think a phone call or an email would serve just as well.”

The corners of her eyes relaxed. “I love you.”

I smiled. “I love you, too. Ready to start torturing your parents?”

A fierce, predatory grin stole over her face. “Fuck yes.”

I laughed as the gate slid open. “Then let’s go butter them up so their fall will be even worse.”

Her giggle was sharp. “I’m going to Humpty Dumpty their asses.”

I kissed her knuckles. “That’s my girl.” I drove through the gates and up the drive. For the second time today, we were on a picturesque journey down a long paved driveway. The biggest difference between the Chase’s house and ours? Ours didn’t make my skin crawl.

If a space began to feel like its inhabitants, I was surprised no one had caught Beverly and Winslow Chase before now for their evil deeds. The place oozed a dark evil that crawled over my neck. It slithered against my soul.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Willow shiver. Her mouth turned down at the corners. “I hate this place. Always have, always will.”

I slid the car to a stop and we got out. She didn’t wait for me to get her from the front seat, but met me at the front of the car. Her hand out to me.

We walked up to the imposing house. It was probably just my imagination, but I could have sworn the house staff was looking at us through the curtains. Whispers of the prodigal daughter come to save them.

Beverly opened the door. She had no expression on her face. “Willow. Mr. Penn.” She nodded before stepping back, allowed us to enter.

Willow walked through, pulling me along behind her. Her fingers were trembling. She stopped once we were both inside. Turning, she looked at the woman who’d birthed her. “Mother.”

Beverly blinked. A smile came out like the sun from behind the clouds. “How are you, darling?” She reached out with both hands.

Willow’s fingers flexed against mine before she slid them from my grasp. She took her mother’s hands. They did weird air kisses on both cheeks. “I’m well. I wanted to come by and apologize for my behavior at the hospital. Ryker’s sister had just been brought into the ER. I was out of sorts.” She dropped her mother’s hands, took mine again.

Beverly nodded. “Of course, darling. I’m sorry to hear that.” She looked up at me. “Is your sister okay?”

I nodded. “Yes, ma’am. Thank you for asking.” I tried to make my tone light-hearted. Like I wasn’t imagining ripping this woman limb from limb and then beating her to death with the bloody stumps.

Beverly smiled wider. “That’s wonderful news. Family is such a treasure. Come, your father wants to see you.”

My bile rose. Family is such a treasure? Was she fucking kidding me? I bit my lip to keep from saying anything. Following along silently as Beverly took us on what had to be the longest possible route to a study that screamed ‘old school man of the house who actually hates women unless he’s fucking them.’

Willow’s fingers trembled in mine. I tightened my hold. Pulled her closer into the shelter of my body.

“Daddy,” she said. Her voice gave out for a fraction of a moment before it strengthened.

“Baby girl. I’m so happy to see you.” He waved her over to the desk. The one he couldn’t be bothered to rise from behind.

It was my turn to shake. But with rage. The bastard. Playing power games with his own daughter. Shoving their lack of respect for her in her face at every single fucking opportunity.

Willow walked over, bent at the waist.

Winslow Chase reached up, grabbed his daughter’s face. Pulling it down, he slapped two smacking kisses to her cheeks with a huge belly laugh. “Why so stiff, baby girl?” He let her go, waved her back to the far side of the desk.

She came back to my side, slid her arm around my waist. “We can’t stay long.” I heard the faintest waver in her voice. “But like I told Mother, I wanted to apologize for my behavior at the hospital. I also wanted to tell you that Ryker and I are getting married.” She raised her hand, let the simulated diamond sparkle fire around the room.

Beverly and Winslow looked aghast for a moment before they pulled their public faces back on. “Darling, that’s wonderful news. Such a powerful and rich

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