Sweet Pain (Amatucci Family #3) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,103

again they fired on the idiots who really should have known better.

“Nik, switch to bedroom camera five,” I called. “There were at least three guys in there.”

Nik jumped forward, adjusted the screens to show the camera I’d requested.

“We have cameras in our bedroom?” Willow whisper-shouted at me.

I turned, shook my head. “Yes and no. They only go live when the panic button gets activated.”

She glared at me for a second. Nodded. She eased back and leaned against Turo.

“Anyone have an extra blanket or coat?” I asked the room at large.

Nik jumped up. “I brought my gym bag.” She hurried to Willow. “There should be a clean set of leggings. I can’t promise they’ll be comfortable though. I wear compression leggings when I’m working out.”

Willow smiled. “As long as I can cover my ass, I don’t care about comfort. Thank you. Go back to saving the world.”

Nik’s smile was huge as she raced back to the front of the room. She stood in front of the screens like a commander watching troop movements. “There!” She pointed at the screen.

“West wall, far south corner,” I relayed to the commander.

He sent it to his SWAT team.

Three more orders to come out with their hands up. Two more gunshots. “We’ve got a surrender,” one of the SWAT guys said.

Turo spoke up. “Be very careful accepting it.”

Commander Butthurt glared at Turo. “Take him in, Charlie One.”

Turo shook his head.

The surrenderer pulled a knife as the SWAT guy got close. On the camera feed, the arc of blood spray was a bit more dramatic than I had thought possible without special effects.

“Man down, command. Man down,” another man said.

“Acknowledged, Charlie Two. Take him out.”

A single gunshot rang through the speakers as the last guy fell.

“Clear the space, we’ve got EMTs waiting.”

“Copy that, command,” Charlie Two said.

A chorus of “Clear” came through.

“Get the EMTs up there. Have NTFD get the freight elevators on and moving again.”

“Ryker,” Willow said softly.

I turned to look at her.

Jerrod Wright looked around the room. “It seems your call was a bit more urgent than originally planned.”

I chuckled. “That’s an understatement. Let’s let them get this wrapped up.” I turned to Commander Butthurt. “We’ll be in my office on thirty-seven when you need us.” I motioned for Nik to join us.

As a group, we all turned and left the police to do their policing and clean up. I stepped forward, grabbed Willow’s hand. “You good?” I asked as we walked down the next flight of stairs.

She nodded. “Nik’s pants are trying to cut off the circulation to my legs, but sure. Peachy.”

I leaned down as we hit the landing. “I’ll rub them for you.”

She looked up at me, heat in her eyes. “I’ll hold you to that.”

“Honestly, you two are gross,” Rafe said from two steps away.

Willow lifted a hand, flipped him off. “We just need to find you a lady.”

I snorted. “Or a man. We’re equal opportunity lovers in this family.” I felt his hand land between my shoulder blades. I gripped the railing in case he tried to push me. Big baby.

“No,” Mas said, his single syllable easy to hear this close.

Willow stopped, turned around. “Did you just try to push my fiancé down the stairs of his own building?” She glared up at her youngest brother.

Rafe’s eyes, along with the eyes of the rest of the Amatucci brothers, widened. “Fiancé?” He skimmed his gaze down to her hands. “I don’t see the ring.”

Willow fished around in her robe’s pocket—the one without the gun—and pulled out the antique box. “We have to get it resized. But don’t make me hurt you, Raphael Lorenzo Amatucci.” She stepped up a stair. “Because I will.”

“And I will help her,” Mas added.

Rafe glared at all of us. But I was pretty sure he was planning my death in his mind. And from personal knowledge, the man was a bit sick. “How was I supposed to know?”

“You shouldn’t have tried to do it in the first place. He joked that you’re gay? Who cares? That’s no reason to play around with his life. Not like this.” Willow shook her finger in his face.

His expression morphed into one I didn’t think I’d ever seen on his face. Actual contrition. He looked at me. “Sorry.”

I nodded. “Accepted.”

Willow glared at him one more time. “Find another way to joke.” She stepped back down and, chin held high with righteous indignation, she continued her descent to the next landing.

I punched in the code to let us in the offices. I

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