A Sweet Mess - Jayci Lee Page 0,89

felt hysterical laughter bubbling to the surface and quickly clamped down on it. If she lost it, she would never make it out of Bosque Verde.

“Almost three in the morning, I think.” Aubrey was surprised that her voice sounded almost casual. “I need you to come take me home.”

“Send me the address. I’ll be there in three hours, tops,” her best friend said without a moment’s pause.

Aubrey placed her phone on the nightstand and lay down, hugging a pillow to her chest. She wasn’t sure if she’d slept or not. When she was aware of her surroundings, almost two hours had passed. She had to pack. Her limbs didn’t move properly, but she somehow placed two packed bags by her bedroom door.

As promised, Tara texted from the driveway in two and a half hours.

Aubrey stood and quickly scanned the room to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. Then, pulling her suitcases behind her, she walked out to the hallway and stopped in front of Landon’s door. It would be easier for her to sneak out, but she had to see him one last time. No matter how much it hurt, she didn’t regret a single moment with him. He’d saved her from her solitary confinement. She’d lost him, but her love would always stay with her.

It was barely six, but she knew he’d be awake. When she knocked quietly, he opened his door as though he’d been waiting for her. He was still wearing the same clothes from last night, and the shadows under his eyes told her he hadn’t slept. The eyes that searched her face looked almost wild, and when his gaze fell on her suitcases, blood drained from his face.

“I didn’t want to leave without saying good-bye this time.” Her words reverberated in her head like the echo of a gong. Don’t you dare cry in front of him. “Tara’s here to take me home.”

Landon stepped out into the hallway, moving jerkily like a broken toy soldier. Taking the suitcases from her, he started down the stairs without a word. As soon as he had his back to her, she swallowed the painful lump in her throat and blinked her burning eyes. When she had her emotions in check, Aubrey followed him down.

At the foyer, he stopped and placed her bags on the ground. Then he turned his head away, his throat working frantically. She needed to leave now. She was seconds away from falling apart in front of him. As broken as she felt, she wanted to retain some of her dignity. She hurriedly grabbed her suitcases and headed for the front door.

“Good-bye, Landon.”

Before she could take more than a couple of steps, Landon spun her around and pressed his lips against hers. He tasted like salt and sorrow. She stood still, refusing to respond to his kiss until he stepped back, his arms falling to his sides. His eyes searched her face frantically. For what, she didn’t know and couldn’t care. She turned her back to him and walked away. She couldn’t bear to stay another second.

Tara stepped out of her car as Aubrey neared it and enveloped her in a tight hug. Then she tucked her into the passenger seat and stowed her luggage in the back. Once she settled in the driver’s seat, Tara turned to Aubrey and handed her a box of tissues.

“Let’s take you home.”

* * *

It felt as though he’d been on his back staring at the ceiling for days. There was a hairline crack by the ceiling fan, and Landon thought he should let Lucien know. This place was much too new to have any cracks. His friend should hunt down his contractor.

At first, Landon thought he was hearing his pounding headache bouncing off the walls. But he heard two pairs of feet hurrying up the stairs and realized it must’ve been them knocking on the front door. Aria and Lucien looked down at him from either side of his bed, so Landon closed his eyes to shut them out.

“He looks like death.” Landon cringed at the sound of Aria’s voice. She might as well take a hammer to his head.

“He’d better not die in my villa.” At least Lucien whispered.

Aria perched on the side of his bed. “Landon, sweetheart. Where’s Aubrey?”

Resigned to the fact he couldn’t will them away, he tried to answer the question. Maybe that would get rid of them. Tragically, he couldn’t get the words past his parched throat. He couldn’t remember the last time

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