A Sweet Mess - Jayci Lee Page 0,48

was still dazed, but she belatedly remembered her manners. “Well, it’s lovely to meet you, Aria. Let’s go inside before we melt into a puddle out here.”

* * *

When Landon walked into the villa, tugging at his tie, he was hit with the sound of melodic laughter and mouthwatering aromas. Having spotted the red Mercedes out front, he wasn’t surprised. Good food and booming laughter followed Aria wherever she went. Her love for life and cooking was highly contagious. Landon had known Aria for almost a decade, and she was one of his closest friends. Unfortunately, she also had a penchant for occasional mischief. She might be perpetuating some on him right now.

Groaning inwardly, he strode into the kitchen. Aubrey’s expression flickered mid-laugh, and she quickly lowered her lashes. How much has Aria been grilling her? When Aubrey glanced back up, he searched her eyes. Too quiet, too guarded.

Not bothering to hide his irritation, he walked over to Aria and leaned down to place a light peck on her cheek. “Aria.”

“Well, hello there.” Humor shimmered in her eyes. “I was just getting acquainted with my guest chef.”

Landon glowered at her. Grown men cowered when faced with his anger, but Aria shrugged and lightly tossed her hair with a bite me grin. Why am I still friends with the woman? he wondered.

Then Aria returned her attention to the subject of her curiosity, who was watching their interaction with a faint smile.

“Now that Landon’s here, we should open that bottle of champagne and celebrate properly.”

“Celebrate what?” Landon asked cautiously, not knowing what scheme his impetuous friend had brewed.

“Her new dessert, of course. It’s simply divine.” Aria was brimming with excitement.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Aubrey said, her cheeks turning a lovely pink.

“I’m sure it’s that and more,” he said.

Landon was so in awe of her. Her sweet buns—something she’d baked for him and only him—were amazingly good. It was nothing short of magic how she could make something so simple into something extraordinary. A couple seconds lapsed in silence before he realized he was staring at Aubrey again. He tugged at his collar.

“I’m a little overdressed for the celebration. I’ll join you ladies in a few minutes.”

Aria, who hadn’t missed the longing in his gaze, crossed her eyes at him. With a warning glare and more than a little trepidation, Landon headed for his room.

After splashing some cold water on his face, he studied his reflection. His hair stood up on spiky ends from dragging his fingers through it repeatedly. He’d driven back to the villa filled with restless excitement, knowing Aubrey would be here. It felt like he was coming home to her. It was a terrifying thought. He had no home. Aubrey was not his. And still, he hoped and yearned.

Exhaling roughly, he turned his back on the mirror. Landon didn’t like himself too much at the moment. He couldn’t touch her even though his body was screaming for her. If he gave in to the wild attraction between them, people could paint her as a woman who’d slept her way to success and bury her with sick glee. He wanted to punch a hole through the wall, but he opted to pull on a black T-shirt and well-worn jeans to rejoin the celebration in the kitchen.

“You took your sweet time.” Aria smirked. “Did you have to shave your legs?”

Aubrey choked on her bubbly water.

“You didn’t expect me to show up to a party with hairy legs, did you?” Landon managed to keep a straight face, but he felt heat climbing up his neck. He actually did shave, not his legs but his five-o’clock shadow.

“Now, children. Be nice.” Aubrey grinned, her voice gritty from her coughing fit.

“Okay, Mama,” Aria said. “But someone had to wipe that smug grin off his face.”

Aubrey nodded solemnly. Landon cleared his throat.

“If you ladies are finished having fun at my expense, why don’t we start the celebration?” He smiled at Aubrey, and she blushed sweetly, making his heart lunge against his rib cage. “And I expect a sample of the reason for the celebration.”


Every night since she’d arrived in Bosque Verde, Aubrey had fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. But as she climbed into bed after their impromptu celebration, she doubted she would get any sleep at all. Her heart still pounded like a bass drum beating out a battle march, and her sensitized skin felt every brush of her silky pajamas and the smooth sheets like a caress.

Landon’s eyes had

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