A Sweet Mess - Jayci Lee Page 0,42

whole situation was so hilarious she burst out laughing again. He swiped his hand down his face.

“Food and lots of water. That’s what you need.”

* * *

Aubrey avoided Landon’s eyes as she diligently worked on her flat iron steak. She hoped the protein would soak up the alcohol in her system. There couldn’t be much, but her spent systems thought it was enough to get her light-headed and goofy.

She didn’t even know where they were. Landon had brought her to the restaurant while she’d dozed in the car, and by the time the fog of sleep cleared from her head, they were having lunch in a domed wine cellar. It was a lovely place. Cream-colored ceramic tiles covered the walls, and warm sconces of muted light surrounded their table.

Landon had ordered the plat du jour—flat iron steak with chimichurri sauce and roasted fingerling potatoes—for the two of them. She bristled at his high-handedness but didn’t object because she’d been planning to order the same thing.

The tender steak was perfectly marinated and cooked medium rare. The chimichurri sauce was fragrant and bright with fresh parsley, garlic, and exquisite local olive oil. Rosemary and garlic coated the roasted potatoes, which were crisp on the outside and creamy on the inside. Aubrey tucked it all in with relish, gulping down tall glasses of ice water.

“How’s the steak?” His expression was bland, but his lips wobbled suspiciously as he sipped his iced tea.

“It’s delicious. Thank you,” she said primly.

She couldn’t afford to be annoyed with Landon. Despite his insistence, she’d been too excited to eat a good breakfast and had nibbled on some toast instead. Thanks to her empty stomach and overworked body, the wine took a shortcut to her head and switched on her tipsy antics. She could see that Landon was dying to tease her about it, so she had to tread very lightly and not give him an opening.

“Are you sure you want to do more tastings today?” he asked once their plates were cleared away.

Aubrey narrowed her eyes at him but relented at the genuine concern on his face. “I wouldn’t go so far as to say I want to, but I really don’t have a choice. I can’t work on the recipes without the wine.”

The food and water managed to clear up her head a great deal, but she hoped she found her wine soon. She wasn’t sure how many more wineries she could handle while maintaining any semblance of professionalism.

“I could push back my meetings tomorrow.”

“No, please don’t do that.” She swallowed her trepidation. “I’ll be fine.”

Landon didn’t look convinced but dutifully chauffeured her to the next tasting room. Aubrey swished and spat her way through the rest of the wineries, powered by determination. Until the seventh winery of the day.

“It’s our signature fortified wine,” said the server.

“You mean port?” Aubrey asked.

“It is port, but we can’t call it that anymore. Only port made in Portugal can use that designation now. What we have is fortified wine,” he said, pouring her a glass.

“Like the whole champagne and sparkling wine thing.”

“Exactly. Whatever we call it, go easy with it. It has a 22 percent alcohol content.” The friendly, knowledgeable server leaned across the bar and rested his forearm on the counter, studying her closely. “How many wineries have you visited today?”

“This is my seventh.” Aubrey slurred the last word so it sounded more like my sieves. She didn’t even think it was the alcohol anymore. She was simply dead on her feet.

“Wow. That’s quite an accomplishment.” He chuckled. “Your face is a bit flushed. Just remember that even if you spit out the wine, you’ll still absorb some of the alcohol.”

“Tell me about it.” Aubrey pressed her hands against her cheeks. Her limbs were pleasantly heavy, and she felt toasty down to her toes. Shit.

“Do you have a designated driver with you?”


She didn’t get a chance to say I do, because Landon appeared out of nowhere and placed a strong arm around her shoulders. “Yes. She’ll be riding home with me.”

Did he just? What the literal hell? They were business associates and maybe friends. Nothing more. And yet, he’d just figuratively peed on her. Like I’m a fucking fire hydrant. She should be pissed. Furious. But she couldn’t even muster enough indignation to shrug his hand off.

“Good.” The server straightened from the counter and shot Aubrey a rueful grin. “I don’t think she should be driving tonight.”

Landon nodded at the other man and pulled Aubrey closer to his side.

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