A Sweet Man - Jaime Reese Page 0,50

the side of his face, his grin still steadily in place even though he was only able to half-sign smile.

The smile came naturally, even if Ben hadn’t asked for it. “You’re going to take a screenshot, aren’t you?”

Ben eagerly nodded. He played with his phone a few times, then gave a thumbs-up.

They stared at each other. It was surprisingly easy to get lost in that green gaze as a soothing peace settled in his chest. Ben broke the trance when he looked away for a moment. Seconds later, the text window within the video chat popped up.

It’s really straight. Is it stiff?

Bull’s gaze snapped to Ben’s. Had he read that wrong?

Ben tugged at his own hair.

“My hair?”

He schooled his features when Ben nodded.

Chill. Of course he meant your hair.

Ben ran his fingers through the fringe of hair on his face, pushing it away from his eyes. He nudged his chin toward the screen at Bull, urging Bull to do the same.

Bull reached up and slowly, but deliberately raked his hand through his surprisingly soft, styled hair. He closed his eyes and imagined Ben’s long thin fingers digging and twisting his fresh cut, fisting a handful of hair as he writhed under him. Bull’s dick hardened in an instant. Lazily, he opened his eyes, heat flooding his body when Ben sucked in his bottom lip and his nostrils flared.

“It’s the only thing soft right now,” he whispered, wondering if the need thick in his voice came through in the way he moved his lips as he spoke.

Ben stared, his chest subtly rising and falling with each breath.

The shower switched off in the neighboring room. Bull glanced over his shoulder, the sound of Rachel moving items around reminding him of his task. Returning his gaze to Ben’s image on his phone screen, he took a deep breath, begging his focus to return to work.

Ben looked away for a moment, the message window popping up again seconds later.

You need to go?

Bull nodded.

The heat in that green gaze fogged over with hesitation before Ben looked away to type another message. She’s only a friend?

He lowered his brow as he read Ben’s question. His gaze snapped back to Ben. “Yes. I’ve known her for years and worked for her husband before he passed. We’re just friends. Honestly, I’d rather be with you today but…I didn’t want to freak you out by saying that.” He remained silent for a moment before adding one more comment. “I told you I wasn’t going anywhere.”

Ben nodded and fingerspelled “OK.” But it was the twitching shy smile that sent the wave of relief through Bull’s body. The trust in his word had been enough. Ben looked away for a moment, the window popping up with another message. Text me when you get back home. So I know you’re okay.

“Will do.” He smiled as they gestured their goodbyes before disconnecting the video call.

Clipping his phone back into the case on his belt, he stood just as Rachel walked out of her bedroom and into the suite’s living room.

Rachel twisted the towel around her hair and wrapped it at the top of her head. She tightened the belt of her terrycloth robe, all the while staring at him, trying to read him as she often did with others. “What has you smiling?”

He shook his head and huffed out a soft laugh.

“Did you just have phone sex with someone?”

He froze.

“If the smile hadn’t given it away, the messy hair would have.”

He quickly ran both hands through his hair, hoping to smooth out the style.

“I’m a widow not a nun.” She sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to her. “I booked a two-bedroom suite for a reason. You should sleep in the bed, not the damn couch.”

“Second bedroom is too far. Living room puts me between you and the front door.”

“Walls are thin.” She absently nodded. “So that means I can’t have phone sex.” The comment was casual, devoid of the usual lightness between them. That took him by surprise. She peeked up at him. In that moment, she was no longer the corporate raider heading up a billion-dollar enterprise. She was the image of the shy, introverted blushing young bride she once was when Bull had first been hired by her late husband.

He turned in his seat to fully face her. He had sensed something had been on her mind the moment he picked her up at the airport. “You’re seeing someone.”

Rachel nodded. “His name is Rafe.”

“Do I need

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