Sweet Little Nothing - L.K. Farlow Page 0,85

She stumbles a little but keeps going.

It's obvious Gabe's not really trying to catch her; not that you'd know it from the way Stella's running. She's like a chicken with her head cut off, flapping her wings as she sprints circles around the campfire.

"Take back that I have my panties in a twist. I don't wear panties, Stella!"

Gabe's face reflects the humor we're all feeling as we crack up at their antics. That is, until Stella trips and goes down hard.

"Ouch!" she wails, and we all rush to check on her.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"No! It hurts. God, it hurts." She clutches her ankle as she rolls to her side, tears welling in her eyes.

"What do we do?" I ask, feeling helpless.

"Let's try and stand you up," Gabe says.

"No." Zach tugs his boyfriend back. "We need to check her ankle first."

Gabe nods and kneels next to her, letting Zach take over.

"Can you rotate it?"

Stella tries and cries out, her pain so apparent that I swear I feel it, too. "N-not really."

"What about your toes—can you wiggle your toes?"

Again she cries out, her chest heaving with the effort.

"Okay. Shit. Let's get you up and see if you can put any weight on it."

Gabe scrambles to help her to stand, but the second she tries to put weight on it, she immediately crumples.

Luckily Zach catches her before she hits the ground.

I take her hand in mine, trying to comfort her. "I hate to say it, but I think you need to go to the hospital."

"But then I'll ruin your camping trip!"

"Stell, we can camp anytime. You getting to a doctor is way more important."

"Why don't you and Sterling stay and we will take her?” Gabe offers.

"Are you sure?" It feels weird to stay while she's hurt. But Sterling, Zach, and Gabe all nod.

I turn back to Stella, because right now her opinion is the only one that matters.

"Babe. Stay and have a good time. I know this is something you've been wanting to do, and it'll be too cold pretty soon."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." She tries to smile, but it's more of a wince. "Bright side, now there's no worry over who sleeps where. It'll just be you two out here.”

"Jesus, Stell. You didn't have to break your ankle to avoid sleeping alone."

She shrugs and immediately hisses in discomfort. "Like Gabe said, I'm extra."

"Let's see if I can stabilize your ankle,” Zach says, grabbing two sticks and a T-shirt. He rips the shirt into three strips and sets to work while the rest of us pack up their things.

We help them back to the parking lot. "Text me updates. And if you decide you want me with you, just let me know and I'll be there. Okay?"

"Don't worry about me, babe. Go have fun with your man."

"Emmy, why don't you and Zach help Stella into the car?” Sterling says.

He's clearly up to something, but I go along with it, rushing ahead of them to pull open the door.

"You take care of her," Gabe says, his attention focused on Sterling. I'm not sure he means for us to hear him, but the wind carries his words to us loud and clear.

"She's in good hands," Sterling replies, his voice as stiff as his posture.

"You know, a month ago I would have trusted wild dogs more than you."

Sterling smirks, not rising to Gabe's bait.

"But now...as much as it pains me to admit this...you're good for her."

"You're goddamn right I am."

"So swoony," Stella sighs, her head lolling back against the seat back.

"Text me," I remind her before shutting the door.

Gabe breaks away from Sterling and I hug both him and Zach bye, much to Sterling's displeasure.

"Ready, baby?" he asks.

I smile up at him, my heart torn between excitement over a night beneath the stars with him and worry over my best friend.


Chapter Thirty-Nine


"Did you get enough to eat?" I ask Emmalyn, knowing her mind is a million miles away. She's worried about her friend, and it pains me that her camping trip has been derailed, though I’m not sorry to have her to myself.

"Yeah, I think so."

“You tell me if you get hungry. I brought snacks.”

She cracks a smile. "So did Stella. I'm pretty sure half her bag was food."

"That must've been why it was so heavy when I carried it to the car."

"I hope she's okay." The worry in her voice gnaws at my heart.

"She will be, baby. It's probably just a bad sprain."

"I know, I do. But, I can't help feeling guilty. I'm the reason

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