Sweet Little Nothing - L.K. Farlow Page 0,62

much doubting Sterling’s taste in movies.

“Just trust me,” he murmurs as he scoots closer to me, easily reading my disbelief.

I try my hardest to give the movie my full attention, but my brain isn’t having it.

Sure, it’s funny, and I laugh when I’m supposed to, but my half-drunk brain is working overtime to process everything.

Not just today, either, but the past month.

The same thoughts have been looping around my brain so often, I’m starting to annoy myself. But how? How did we go from Sterling wanting to destroy me to having movie night in his bed?

I’m so lost in my obsessive internal quest for answers that I don’t even notice the movie’s over.

“So, what’d you think?” Sterling asks.

“It was good,” I answer automatically. It’s not a lie, though—the parts I tuned in for were really good. “Not something I would have picked, but I liked it.”

“I’m glad. Next time you can pick.”

“Next time?” I yawn and snuggle deeper into my pillow, tugging the covers up to my chin.

“This isn’t a one-and-done, baby.”

“You keep calling me that.”

He nods, rustling the sheets. “I do.”


“Time will tell.” He winks, and I swear to God, I don’t know if I want to hug him or suffocate him.

“Or you could tell me. Now.” Another yawn slips past my lips, causing Sterling to frown.

“You’re tired. Maybe tomorrow.”

“How am I supposed to sleep now?” I whine.

“Need me to tuck you in?”

I huff out a laugh. “You’re really not going to tell me?”

“Not tonight.”

“Fine. Then tell me something else before we go to bed.”

“Anything?” he asks, and I nod.

“Is this our thing now?”

I shrug, not that he can see it since I’m wrapped up like a burrito. “Maybe.”

“Okay, fine. I...” He shifts a little closer, leaving only a foot between us. “I don’t think I want to go to work for my family’s firm.”

“Really? Why?”

He smiles at me in a way that sends a whole swarm of butterflies fluttering through me. “Growing up, it was always just...expected. You know? And I guess I haven’t been feeling it for a while—hence not being in law school—but now, I really can’t see myself doing what they do.”

“What do you mean? Like, practicing law in general?”

“No.” He shakes his head as he reaches out and skims his fingers gingerly over my cheek. “I can’t see myself representing people I know are guilty. I can’t see myself helping people like Rob. I used to think the money and prestige more than made up for the work, but now...”

“But now what?” I ask, hardly allowing myself a breath.

“But now, I’m realizing there are more important things in life than money.”

I smile sleepily, halfway wondering if this conversation is actually happening.

“Sleep tight, Emmalyn,” is the last thing I hear before my eyes slip shut and sleep takes me.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


I snuggle closer to the warm body beside me, practically plastering my cheek to the warm, muscled chest. Strong arms wrap around me, making me feel safe and protected.

“So cozy,” I mumble, as the steady thump-thump rhythm of my dream man’s heart acts as my own brand of melatonin, calming and comforting me. “Wanna stay here.”

“Stay where?”

Something about the sensual rasp of his voice sends a happy shiver through me. This is the best dream I’ve had in God only knows how long.

If I had it my way, I’d sleep forever, just to stay in his embrace.

“Didn’t know you were so snuggly, little mouse.”

My eyes pop open, and I try to scramble back.

Oh my God.

I’m not dreaming. I’m in bed. With Sterling Abbot. Wrapped around him like a hungry boa constrictor.

“Don’t run from me.” He smooths my wild flyaways from my face. “Don’t hide from me.”

“This is so embarrassing.”

“What is?”

“This!” The color in my cheeks rises right along with my voice.

“Baby, there’s nothing embarrassing about the way your body is clinging to mine. I’d keep you here full-time if I could, but it’s a little soon for all that.”

“What?” Clearly, I’ve woken up in an alternate universe.

“Don’t act so surprised. It’s pretty clear I’m into you. I think you’re into me.” I go to speak, but Sterling presses on. “It’s okay if you’re not there yet. You will be. I’ll wait.”

“This really isn’t a game?”

Before I can process it, Sterling yanks my body flush with his and presses his lips to mine. I panic for a split-second over my morning breath, but the way he sucks on my lower lip chases all worries away.

His kiss is soft—far softer than any we’ve shared before—and slow. He takes

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