Sweet Little Nothing - L.K. Farlow Page 0,4

card is basically your life. It will get you in and out of this building, along with many others. I would highly suggest getting it today. You’ll have to be buzzed in without it, okay?”

I nod. “Yeah, yes. I’ll go right now. Thanks.”

I start to turn away, but Abigail calls after me. “Don’t you wanna put your stuff up first?”

My cheeks heat. “Oh, yeah. Sure.”

Her lips tip up in a grin. “C’mon, I’ll let you in.”

Falling in line behind her, I wait patiently as she swipes her badge in front of the sensor. The light flashes green, and Abigail pushes the door open before stepping to the side and allowing me to enter.

“Elevator is on the left, stairs are to the back right. Mel will be around, and I’m sure she will come by and introduce herself.”

“Thanks,” I say again, undoubtedly sounding like a parrot.

“No problem, Emmy. Welcome to the Wildcat fam!”

As I enter the building, I almost wish I could bottle her pep and use it to help get me through the dark days. Sure, they’re fewer than there were, but memories of what happened still loom over me like my own personal dark cloud.

Today, though, the sun is peeking through those clouds, and I plan on taking full advantage of the sunlight. So to speak.

The inside of the dorm building is every bit as luxurious in the lobby as the outside suggests. From the slate flooring and comfy couches in the lounge area, to the exposed wooden beams overhead, this place looks more like a coveted vacation spot than a college dorm.

I follow Abigail’s directions to the elevator, though I could have found it regardless; it is a straight shot down the wide hallway.

Worry over meeting my roommate sets in as the car climbs to the third floor. What if she’s like the girls back home?

Mean, petty, and black-hearted.

Even worse… what if she’s nice? What if she sees through my mask, straight down to my broken core? What if she pulls at the thread holding all of my secrets inside me? What if she wants to try to fix me up, like I’m some old dilapidated house?

My soul is far too tarnished for a little TLC to make it shine.

It’s black. Rotten, through no fault of my own. Not because I’m bad, but because of bad done to me. The kind of bad that leaves a mark so dark, sometimes I wonder if I don’t wear it like a beacon.

The elevator dings and then the doors part, chasing away the rumble of thunder in my mind.

Anticipation thrums heavy in my chest as I approach my suite door. My heart feels as if it might actually beat clear out of my chest as I slide my key into the lock.

I inhale deeply and hold my breath as I swing the heavy, wooden door open.

Except, when I step inside, I’m alone. I’m only half relieved; if I’m being honest, I would have preferred to get the meet-and-greet out of the way.

The main living space is cozy in a generic sort of way, with a deep navy couch and a low-sitting coffee table. There’s a modest-sized flat screen television mounted on the wall over a console table. And in the kitchen, there’s even a small eat-in table with two chairs.

Undoubtedly, my mother would turn up her nose at these accommodations, but me? I’d take them a million times over the shiny mansion she calls home. That place is nothing more than a polished facade hiding poisonous lies and treacherous memories.

I check out the bathroom before peeking my head into the bedroom on the left. Judging by the fluffy purple duvet covering the bed, pictures on the walls, and string lights going from one side to the other, this room is claimed. Unfortunately, nothing about the room gives me any hints about its occupant.

Please God, let her be a nice, normal girl.

Unlike my suitemate’s room, which is full of life and somehow already looks lived in, mine is bare bones. A complete blank canvas... a fresh start.

I place both of my bags at the foot of the bed and then fish my phone from my back pocket. I unlock the screen with my thumb and pull up my text messages. Only, I don’t have anyone to text. There’s no one waiting to hear from me. I doubt mommy dearest even cares if I made it here okay.

Lord knows, she didn’t bother to even check on me once over the past two days

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