Sweet Little Nothing - L.K. Farlow Page 0,108

kicking out my right foot to emphasize the heels Stella talked me into.

"Then look down and avoid eye contact at all cost."

I laugh, breaking his hold on one hand so I can smack his chest. "A lot of help you are!"

"But, I made you smile. So..."

"You are something else, Sterling Abbot."

"But you love me."

"With my whole heart."

He leans in to kiss me, but pulls back at the last minute. "Don't wanna ruin your lipstick."

"You better kiss me right this very instant!"

With his lips curled up into a smirk, he gives into my command, kissing me like his life depends on it.


"So very much."

"Good. Now, come on, little mouse, the ceremony waits for no one."

The drive to the venue is a quick one—just enough time to fix my lipstick—and by the time we're there, my nerves have settled, because I know that this is the first step in achieving the many things I want out of my life.

We park near the back of the very full lot. "Do you have everything?"

"Just need to get my bag from the trunk."

"I'll get it, baby."

Sterling grabs my garment bag from the trunk and drapes it over his left arm, wrapping his right around my waist. He walks me all the way to the side door, where we have to go our separate ways. "You've got this!"

"Where will you be?"

"In the very first row." He hands me my bag. "And when they call your name, I'll be the one cheering the loudest."

"Love you!" I say, darting inside before I get too emotional.


"Is it still on?" Gabe asks from where he's seated beside me.

"Yeah.” I nod decisively. "Definitely."

"Are you nervous?" Zach asks, peeking around his now husband.

"Nope. Not at all." I lean back into my seat, resting my ankle on my knee.

"My, my." Gabe shoots me an amused look. "Aren't you confident, Mr. Abbot?"

"Fuck yeah, I am!" I exclaim, causing someone in the row behind us to shush me. All three of us turn around and glare. Like they've never heard someone drop an F-bomb before.

"You're positive she's gonna say yes?" Gabe asks, playing the devil's advocate like he loves to do.

It took a long time for us to warm up to each other, but now we're so close that we talk daily.

"How could she say no?" I ask, just as the lights overhead flicker, alerting us that the ceremony is about to begin.

I zone out for most of it. Graduation is graduation. I'm only here for one thing, and that's to watch my little mouse claim her diploma. Although, I guess she's not much of a mouse anymore.

No. She's bold and vibrant and the bravest person I know and, if everything goes right today, she'll eventually be my wife. Emmalyn Abbot has a ring to it, and I’m about to put a ring on it.

I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I almost miss them call her name.

"Emmalyn Price."

I jump to my feet, along with Zach and Gabe, clapping and whistling and cheering like we're at a football game, as she walks across the stage.

She looks my way, and I wink, mouthing the words proud of you, baby.

"Proud of you, sweets," Gabe says, shouldering me out of the way so that he can hug her first.

The blond giant is also a giant asshole.

"Thank you!" She smiles up at him and then hugs Zach.

I'm practically pouting by the time she makes it to me. "Best for last," she whispers in my ear, before slinging her arms around my neck.

"Damn straight, baby."

"Are y'all joining us for dinner?" Emmy asks.

"Ah, no can do," Zach says. "Gabe here has an interview."

"This late?" Emmalyn's eyes widen. "Where? With who? Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's online because of time differences." He shrugs. "And, I didn't want to jinx it."

"Okay, well. Good luck! Break a leg. Whatever applies."

Gabe shakes his head. "You're too much, sweets. I'll let you know the outcome."

They hug again and then it's just the two of us. "You ready?"

"Starving. Wanna tell me where we're eating?"

"Why do you always want to ruin my surprises?"

She rolls her eyes. "Fine."

We drive with the windows down and the radio on, enjoying the fresh mountain air.

"Oh!" A smile flashes across her face as recognition sets in. "Café on the Corner, huh?"

I park the car and cut the engine. "That's right. This is where I took you on our first date, so it seemed like the right choice for today."

"Hmmm." Emmy climbs out of the car and I follow.


"I'm pretty sure you made

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