Sweet Little Lies (Heartbreaker Bay, #1) - Jill Shalvis Page 0,19

she tangled her hands in his hair, kissing him deeper until he groaned into her mouth. “Please,” she begged.

“Hell yeah, I’ll please.” His voice was sexy rough and she held tight, anchoring her hips against his as he slid a hand down her belly and into her panties.

He groaned again and she knew why. She was wet and on fire for him.

Breaking the kiss, he nibbled her ear. “Pru,” he said in that deliciously gruff tone. “You have to wake up.”

She jerked awake and sat straight up, realizing she’d fallen asleep at her desk doing the dreaded paperwork. “Wha . . .?” she managed.

Finn was crouched at her side, fully dressed, and breathing a little ragged.

And that’s when she realized something else—her hand was stroking what felt like a very impressive erection behind his jeans.

She snatched it back like she’d been burned and he dropped his head and gave a rough laugh. Ignoring how his laugh did funny things to her belly and parts south, she cleared her throat. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. Best greeting ever.”

“Okay, that was your fault,” she muttered, her face heating. “That’s what you get for waking me from a deep sleep.”

“I’m not sure if you could call that sleep.” He lifted his head. He was smiling, the smug jerk. “Jake let me in, pointed me in the direction of your office, which was unlocked. You were moaning and sweaty. I moved in to see if you were okay and you molested me.”

She groaned and thunked her head to her desk a couple of times. “Why are you here?” she moaned. “Other than to rudely wake me up from the only action I’ve had in far too long?”

He laughed. Laughed. She gave some thought to killing him but then she realized he was holding a brown bag from which came the most delicious scent.

“Stopped by the waffle shop for breakfast,” he said and lifted the bag. “Thought of you.”

She went still. “Chocolate and raspberry syrup?” she asked hopefully, willing to let bygones be bygones for a sugar and carb load.

“Of course.”

She didn’t ask how he knew her kryptonite. Everyone she knew worshipped at the magical griddle inside the magical food cart outside their building that a woman named Rayna ran. Pru snatched the bag from Finn and decided to forgive him. “Do not think that this means we will be reenacting what I was dreaming about.”

“Absolutely not,” he said.

She paused, her gut sinking to her toes unexpectedly. “Because you don’t think of me that way?”

He paused as if carefully considering his next words, and she braced herself. She was good at rejection, real good, she reminded herself.

Apparently deciding against speaking at all, Finn rose to his full height. Since she was still in her chair, this put her face right about level with the part of his anatomy she’d had a grip on only a moment before.

He was still hard.

“Does this look like disinterest to you?”

She swallowed hard. “No.”

“Any further questions?”

“Nope,” she managed. “No further questions.”

Nodding, he leaned over her and brushed his mouth across hers. “Ball’s in your court,” he said and then he was gone.

Chapter 8


Pru got up the next morning at the usual time even though it was her day off. She pulled on her tank top and yoga capris and shoved her feet into her running shoes. “I hate running,” she said to the room.

The comforter on her bed shifted slightly and she pulled it back to reveal Thor, eyes closed.

“I know you’re faking,” she said.

His eyes squeezed tight.

“Sorry, buddy, you’re coming with me. I ate that entire huge waffle Finn brought me yesterday. And I realize you don’t care if you can fit into a pair of skinny jeans without your belly rolling over the waistband, and you don’t even know who Finn is, but trust me, you wouldn’t have been able to resist him or the waffle either.”

Thor didn’t budge.

“A doggie biscuit,” she said cajolingly. “If you get up right now I’ll give you a doggie biscuit.”

Nothing. This was probably because he knew as well as she did that she was out of doggie biscuits. She would have just left him home alone but the last time she’d done that, he’d pooped in her favorite boots—which had most definitely taken some time and effort on his part.

“Fine.” She tossed up her hands. “I’ll buy biscuits today, okay? And we’ll go see Jake too.”

At the name, Thor perked up. He knew that Jake kept dog cookies in his desk so he lifted his

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