Sweet Joymaker (Indigo Bay Christmas Romances #3) - Jean Oram Page 0,50

couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.” She realized it was the truth. “And I’m glad you came to Indigo Bay.”

“Are you two coming in?” Myles called from the open doorway. It was a cool night, and they’d set up the donation table for the barn’s upkeep inside instead of out in front like usual. Myles had one hand on the door, ready to close it if they said no.

They began hurrying across the grassy area. “We’re coming!”

Myles saw their linked hands and his smile grew. He nudged Levi and Ryan, who were standing with him. They turned, and smiled in tandem. Right then Maria knew without a doubt that absolutely everything would turn out exactly the way it was meant to be.

Thank you for reading SWEET JOYMAKER. I hope you enjoyed Maria and Clint’s Christmas story about finding love again. Do Maria’s five boys find love? Find out what happens in Maria and Clint’s hometown of Sweetheart Creek, Texas! Start reading The Cowboys of Sweetheart Creek, Texas series with book one, Levi’s story THE COWBOY’S STOLEN HEART.

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Sometimes love is found where we least expect it…

Levi and Laura are definite opposites, but when life throws them together they find that first impressions aren’t always correct.

Click to start reading Levi and Laura’s story, THE COWBOY’S STOLEN HEART, now!

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Want more Indigo Bay Christmas Romances? The next book in the series is SWEET YULETIDE by Melissa McClone! Find what Indigo Bay has in store for Sheridan and Mikey this holiday season! Click to start reading SWEET YULETIDE now.

And if you missed Clint’s friend Jeff & Sonja’s story of getting the B&B going, you can find it in the Indigo Bay novel SWEET HORIZONS by Jean C. Gordon! Find it in your favorite online bookstore!

Indigo Bay Book List

Have you missed other books in the Indigo Bay world? Here’s the full list… You can read out of order! Jump in anywhere.

Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

Sweet Dreams (Book 1) by Stacy Claflin

Sweet Matchmaker (Book 2) by Jean Oram

Sweet Sunrise (Book 3) by Kay Correll

Sweet Illusions (Book 4) by Jeanette Lewis

Sweet Regrets (Book 5) by Jennifer Peel

Sweet Rendezvous (Book 6) by Danielle Stewart

Sweet Saturdays (Book 7) by Pamela Kelley

Sweet Beginnings (Book 8) by Melissa McClone

Sweet Starlight (Book 9) by Kay Correll

Sweet Forgiveness (Book 10) by Jean Oram (Zoe’s story!)

Sweet Reunion (Book 11) by Stacy Claflin

Sweet Entanglement (Book 12) by Jean C. Gordon

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Indigo Bay Second Chance Romances

Sweet Troublemaker (Book 1) by Jean Oram (Nick’s story!)

Sweet Do-Over (Book 2) by Melissa McClone

Sweet Horizons (Book 3) by Jean C. Gordon

Sweet Complications (Book 4) by Stacy Claflin

Sweet Whispers (Book 5) by Jeanette Lewis

Sweet Adventure (Book 6) by Tamie Dearen

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Bonus holiday short stories:

Sweet Holiday Memories by Kay Correll

Sweet Holiday Surprise by Jean Oram (Alexa’s story!)

Sweet Holiday Wishes by Melissa McClone

Sweet Holiday Traditions by Danielle Stewart

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Indigo Bay Christmas Romances

Sweet Tidings (Book 1) by Jean C. Gordon

Sweet Noel (Book 2) by Jeanette Lewis

Sweet Joymaker (Book 3) by Jean Oram (Maria’s story!)

Sweet Yuletide (Book 4) by Melissa McClone

Sweet Mistletoe (Book 5) by Elizabeth Bromke

Sweet Carol (Book 6) by Shanae Johnson

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Read more about these heartwarming Indigo Bay books as well as find links to your favorite online stores on Jean’s website: https://www.jeanoram.com/indigo-bay-sweet-romance-series/

Turn the page for a sneak peek from Jean’s new series THE COWBOYS OF SWEETHEART CREEK, TEXAS… Yes! These are Maria’s sons! Turn the page to dive in and whet your appetite!

Sneak Peek from The Cowboy’s Stolen Heart

Book 1 (Levi), The Cowboys of Sweetheart Creek, Texas

She would not cry. Not here. Not now.

She had done good things with her fame and generous income. She had helped support animal shelters, built water wells in impoverished areas of the world, and taught inner city adults to read. She was more than the delicate flower Levi Wylder had assumed she was.

Head high. Chin up.

By the time Laura Oakes made it to her car at her blistering pace, she was sweating. The scary armadillo from earlier was nowhere to be seen, and she closed her eyes, still squeezing the key to Luanne’s house in her hand.

Should she rescue her suitcase first, or see if her car would start? She turned to look back into town, past the used car lot she hadn’t even noticed earlier on her run from Bill, the armadillo. A man was standing in front of the small building, the triangular flags above the short row of cars

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