Sweet Joymaker (Indigo Bay Christmas Romances #3) - Jean Oram Page 0,18

from its hiding spot among the needles, and Maria squealed and laughed.

“It likes to do that to people,” the woman said. “Why don’t you wait until Christmas Eve to hang it, so your wish can come true? That’s when everyone comes back with their ornament.”

“I’ll be home in Texas by then.” And trying to figure out how to do Christmas with her boys and her ex. She wasn’t looking forward to that. “Is it okay if I put my ornament on now?”

The woman shrugged. “There’s no law against it.”

But would her wish come true?

Probably not.

Her son Cole had been away from home for almost five years now. No cards, no emails. Nothing but silence.

Maria stepped back from the tree, worried that she’d jinxed her wish by not adhering to the town’s tradition. Shoving her hands deep in the pockets of her sweatshirt, she headed toward the pier that stretched out over the ocean.

She was a block away when she spotted a man walking toward her, strolling along as though he had all the time in the world.

For a moment she thought her wish had already come true. But as the clouds above shifted, sending a stream of sunshine onto the man heading her way, she realized she hadn’t conjured up her long-lost son, but Clint Walker.

With every step he took toward her with that warm smile upon his face, she realized her response actually resembled homesickness and longing. She missed Cole as only a mother could, but there was something about Clint that made her feel as though she’d been denied something equally important for far too long.

She wasn’t sure what it was, but she vowed she would find out before he left Indigo Bay.

“Maria,” Clint said warmly, causing her heart to lift as he wrapped her in an embrace that snugged her briefly against him. He released her with a kiss on the cheek in a way that seemed European. At the last minute she almost gave in to the urge to turn her mouth to meet his.

“Are you Italian?” she asked. He had black hair and a complexion that always looked sun-kissed.

“I don’t think so, but maybe,” he said. “Are you?”

“Cherokee and Spanish, or so I’ve been told.”

“That explains those beautiful cheekbones and deep brown eyes of yours.” He gave her an appreciative look that sent a rush of heat through her. She wasn’t used to being gazed at like that, and fought the temptation to encourage him to provide more details about just how gorgeous he found her.

“Are you putting the base coat on the scooter tonight?” she asked. They began to walk along the pier together, a few birds resting on the railings, heads tucked under their wings.

It felt natural bumping into Clint, walking and talking, assuming they’d spend time together. She had a feeling she’d miss him when he returned home tomorrow night.

“Brewster figures we can do it tonight after supper. I still think it would look good with some original art on it.”


Clint chortled. The scooter had been speedier than she’d assumed, but not so much she felt flames fit its character. He pulled his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and began scrolling through pictures before showing her a close-up of a spot on the front wind guard.

They stopped walking, Clint’s shoulder brushing hers. “We’re thinking we could paint a little scene below the headlight.”

“That could be nice.”

“We just aren’t sure what would look good and appeal to many.” He put his phone away.

“You don’t have much time to paint something like that.” They were five days out from the gala, and Clint had only another twenty-four hours in Indigo Bay.

He shrugged. “That’s Brewster’s job. I’ll help as much as I can, but bodywork’s not my specialty.”

“You should stay longer and help him.”


She lifted a shoulder, trying to look casual. “Sure.”

“Say I managed to take a few more days away from my shop…” His eyes lingered on her face. “What would a guy like me do around here for that long?”

“I’m sure you could think of something.” She patted his arm and began walking again.

“You fly straight to Dallas on Friday morning?”

She nodded. Brant would pick her up at the Dallas airport on his way to the high school state championship game. She’d ride home to Sweetheart Creek with him afterward.

“So if I moved my flight, we’d have a few days to get into trouble?” Clint rubbed his hands together as if plotting something evil.

“I’m helping with gala prep.”


“I’m doing some

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