Sweet Joymaker (Indigo Bay Christmas Romances #3) - Jean Oram Page 0,15

mention the other kiddos you had a hand in raising, such as April.”

“Then what’s this about?”

“It’s not about any of that. It’s about you.”

Her chest tightened, as did her hands. He was going to say things she didn’t want to hear, make her face things she had put away in a trunk, intent on ignoring for the rest of her life.

“I’m too old and jaded to be wooed by you, Clint,” she warned, reminding herself of that fact, as well. Despite that, she wanted to know what this man, who evidently had been watching and admiring her for years, thought about her.

“I’m not wooing you.” Clint paused for a second, a quick frown wrinkling his brow before he said, “Okay, maybe I am. But telling you the truth is also being a friend. You know I admire you. And it’s just honest-to-goodness truth that it’s your time to flourish and focus on yourself.”

“Clint…” she warned.

“I’m not fixin’ to distract you with flowery prose and big promises or lies. I think you’re an amazing woman. You know that already. What I think is this. You put others first and have for a good long time. Now it’s time to put yourself first.”

“Why? So I can spend that time with you instead of caring for my family and the ranch we depend upon?”

“No, so you can take some much-needed time to heal yourself so you can continue to help others.”

“I’m fine, Clint. The boys are taking care of more and more each year.”

“You know what I mean. It’s not just the ranch stuff. People stuff, too.”

She pushed the backpack into his arms and turned toward the wider path, preparing for her descent. “I appreciate your concern, but honestly, the divorce was a long time ago and everyone has moved on.”

“You’re a strong woman, but I think you took this trip for yourself.”

She stopped at the top of the cliff and looked back. “Does it matter why I came here?”

“I think you could use someone standing behind you, supporting you so you can heal.”

“There’s nothing to heal!”

He paused for a second, absorbing her proclamation. “Then take a break. A vacation with energizing fun that revitalizes you, so you can keep on doing your best work.”

She had to admit that sounded like what she needed.

“I think that someone like me could help you.” Clint added.

She put her hands on her hips. “Okay, Prince Charming-who-leaves-tomorrow-night, why you?”

“Who else knows what you need? Who else knows the complications in your life, from your family to the ranch?”

“Plenty of people.”

He raised an eyebrow, catching her in the lie. So, not that many. They had their own issues to deal with.

“Come on. Let’s play.”

She laughed. It was ludicrous, but oh so tempting. When was the last time she’d let go of her worries and just played and laughed and enjoyed life? It had been a long time. Too long.

“I’m serious. Let’s enjoy the full splendor of your golden years.”

She held up a hand. “Please tell me you did not just say I’m in my golden years.”

“They’re golden, girl. Get over it. We’re approaching sixty. Yes, sixty is the new fifty or forty or whatever they keep telling us. The fact is, you’re rowing that big, heavy boat on your own.” He had slung one of the backpack straps over his shoulder and now took both her hands in his, giving her an earnest look. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have somebody help take the oars from time to time, so you could enjoy the small things more often?”

If Clint wasn’t careful, he was going to be thoroughly kissed.

Chapter 4

“How are things at home?” Maria asked, holding the phone closer so she could video chat with her eldest son. By the looks of things Levi was in the Longhorn Diner on Main Street in Sweetheart Creek. That meant everything she said would be heard by at least one eavesdropper, then spread around town.

“The usual,” Levi replied. “Ryan’s too busy to do his share of chores, Myles is complaining because he already ate all the lasagna you froze for us, and Brant keeps showing up places with April while saying they’re not a thing. So, you know. The usual.”

“I’ve only been gone two days!” Maria exclaimed. “When Myles’s metabolism slows down, he’ll end up like a tractor. Big and slow moving.”

“Speaking of tractors, Ryan can’t get our old one running.”

“What does he need it for?”

“He’s trying to help Carly by running the cultivator behind it,” Levi said, confirming Maria’s suspicion

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