Sweet as Honey (The Seven Sisters) - By Caitlyn Robertson Page 0,70

loving sex, and bad, wicked sex.” Her eyes glittered in the moonlight. “A hundred percent, Dex, no holding back. Do you understand?”

Their eyes met and held for a long, long moment.

Then he slid his hand down to her butt, lifted her to change position, and pressed himself slowly into her. She closed her eyes and groaned as he filled her up.

“That’s a very dangerous comment considering you have no idea how wicked I am,” he murmured, kissing her cheek, her eyelids, and finally down to her mouth as he began to move inside her.

“I think I can guess some of the things you’d enjoy,” she whispered back, moving with him.

“Oh?” Hunger flooded him for this sensual, beautiful woman, but he kept a tight rein on it for the moment, nuzzling her ear and kissing around her jaw to her mouth. “Like what?”

She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. “Like tying me up.” She opened her eyes to look at him.

He held her tightly against him, turned her onto her back and moved on top of her. “But then you’d be at my mercy,” he murmured, pushing deeply into her.

“Oh God, yes.” She arched against him.

He took her hands in his and pinned them above her head. “You like the sound of that?”

“Mm.” She moved her hips, encouraging him to thrust harder.

He kissed her, deliberately slowing his pace. “But then I could do anything I wanted to you, and you’d be powerless to stop me.”

“Ooh, you know how to turn me on.”

He chuckled and dropped his head to her breast briefly to brush his tongue over her nipple. “What else is going on in your naughty little mind?”

She squirmed beneath him. “I don’t know. Maybe I could…um…” She whispered a suggestion in his ear.

He lifted his head and stared at her. “Honey!”

She giggled. “What?”

He started laughing. “You little minx. I never knew you had it in you.”

She kissed him. “So now you know, what are you going to do about it?”

He pushed deeper into her, love and desire filling him. “I’m going to make love to you until we’re both exhausted and can’t keep our eyes open. And then I want to cover your body with kisses, to get to know every inch of your soft skin.” He kissed her. “I want to make you come with my mouth, to taste your sweetness. And then I’ll make love to you again, until you’re dreaming about me, until you can’t think of anything or anyone else.”

“Oh yes. Yes, please.”

“I love you, Honeysuckle Summers.”

“I love you too.”

And he did as he’d promised, taking her to the dizzy heights of ecstasy before starting all over again, loving her until the moon sank in the sky and the rays of the early morning sun flooded the room with light.


Daisy stood in the semi-darkness of the corner of the room, finishing off her glass of champagne. The wedding was wrapping up, the DJ playing his last few songs, the caterers starting to clear away the wine glasses and beer bottles left on the tables.

It had been a lovely day. Partly marred by the appearance of Dex’s old girlfriend, but that had been expected and as such hadn’t been a huge shock. He’d dealt with it swiftly, to be fair to him, and the rest of the day had passed without a hitch.

He was obviously crazy about Honey, she thought, not without some envy. She’d caught him looking at his new wife several times throughout the evening, longing and desire in his eyes as they followed her around the room, and if she talked to another guy—even if it was just a friend—he would frown with the kind of possessive jealousy that gave a girl goose bumps.

No doubt Honey was getting screwed senseless right now. Again, envy threaded through her. Not because of Dex—she liked him, liked the way he seemed devoted to Honey, but he wasn’t her kind of guy. Dex didn’t give a toss about his appearance, couldn’t care less whether the T-shirt he wore had a designer label in it, had had to be bullied into using product for his hair, and although he wasn’t an idiot, he was interested in rugby, fishing, watching movies and being with his girlfriend, with no desire to better himself, to climb the social or educational ladder.

Reuben, on the other hand, fitted all of those requirements, which was why she’d chosen him, of course. He always dressed as if going to an important business meeting,

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