Sweet Heart (The Hearts of Sawyers Bend #2) - Ivy Layne Page 0,54

a pro with the diffuser.

I looked my best, and I was loaded down with a killer cake, but still, I was nervous.

Royal knew. He reached over and closed his hand around mine, squeezing. “Don't worry about dinner, Daisy. I'm not going to let them scare you off. Anyway, most of my family is pretty cool. And you're bringing cake so it's pretty much guaranteed they'll like you better than they like me.”

“I've found cake is a pretty good icebreaker.” It was true. Except for those rare people who didn't like sweets, but I pretended those people didn't exist. I'm suspicious of anyone who can't be won over with chocolate.

Royal turned onto the long drive to Heartstone Manor. Oak trees lined the road, their arching branches creating a green tunnel. I could see evidence here and there of landscaping work in progress. In some spots the trees were surrounded by beds of dark mulch, the grass neatly trimmed. In others the forest pressed to the road, weeds chewing at the crumbling asphalt on the edges.

The front courtyard wasn't landscaped, but here every weed had been banished, leaving the grand house bare of adornment and that much more intimidating.

Royal parked at the front. “Stay there,” he ordered, getting out. I didn't argue. I was too busy staring up at the front of Heartstone Manor. Three stories tall, the Manor was made of granite, softened by the ivy climbing the walls at the corners. The front door was huge, iron-strapped wood with heavy iron handles I'd bet it took two hands to turn.

My door opened and Royal leaned down to take the cake box from my lap, handling it carefully. We climbed the steps and walked through Heartstone's big wooden door into a whirlwind. Voices carried into the hallway, a man saying something that sounded like, “—too salty,” and a woman, irate, “If I hear one more complaint out of you, Finn Sawyer—”

They came into view, the man tall, dark-haired, and undoubtedly one of Royal's siblings. He strode across the entry hall, hand held up as if to fend off the woman who stalked after him.

Her voice raised in a shout. “Finn, don't you walk away from me!” I thought she'd storm after him and out of sight, but she drew to an abrupt halt when she spotted us standing there.

“Please, tell me the cook didn't quit,” Royal said.

“Not yet, but if Finn doesn't keep his mouth shut, and she walks out—” She let out a breath, blowing a stray lock of hair out of her eyes. “Well, I was going to say I'd kill him in his sleep, but I think Griffen said something about making him pitch a tent in the woods. Or just kicking him out.”

“If only we could figure out a way to make Finn take the cook's place,” Royal said. Looking over at me he explained, “Finn is a classically trained chef. Went to the Culinary Institute of America and everything. He even studied in Paris. He's only cooked for us twice but—” Royal rolled his eyes to the ceiling high above. “His food is amazing.”

The woman crossed her arms over her chest after flipping a strawberry blonde braid back over her shoulder. She wore a black and white patterned a-line dress and a cute pair of dark-green Mary Janes I recognized as being comfortable enough to stand in all day.

“I wouldn't know,” she grumbled, “because he didn't save any for me, but it doesn't matter if his food is delicious considering he thinks he's too good to cook for the rest of us. I wouldn't pay him any attention except he keeps trying to scare away our cook.”

She shook her head and held out a hand to me. “I'm sorry, Finn distracted me. You must be Daisy.” I took her hand and shook. “I'm Savannah. I'm the housekeeper at Heartstone Manor. If you need anything while you're here just let me know.” She turned her alert gray eyes to the cake box in Royal's hands. “What's this?”

“I baked a cake. I wasn't sure what you had planned for dessert, so you can always save it for another night. It will keep for a few days.”

Savannah took the box from Royal, hefting it gingerly. With a raised eyebrow at me, she said, “I hope you know you owe me five pounds. I have a thing for your ginger-molasses cookies. A big thing. What kind of cake is this?”

“Chocolate, with double chocolate frosting and raspberry and cream filling.” I

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