Sweet Heart (The Hearts of Sawyers Bend #2) - Ivy Layne Page 0,39

of her lips, the feel of her in my arms. So sweet and so right. Everything about her felt like she belonged exactly where she was.

Daisy didn't protest when I rolled us to the blanket and stretched out. She arched into me, kissing me harder, as lost as I was. I skimmed my hand under her shirt, my fingertips drinking in the soft silk of her skin, the weight of her breast in my hand through her lace bra.

I wanted to strip her clothes from her body, to spread her legs and taste her everywhere. To fill her with me. To make her come. Somewhere in the back of my head, I managed to remember that while we were alone, we weren't that far from the house.

If anyone was nosy enough to go up to the second floor or happened to be in their bedroom, they could look right out the window and see everything that was happening on the picnic blanket.

No matter how much I wanted her, I wouldn't embarrass Daisy like that. I could settle for just kissing. I could have kissed Daisy all night. For just a second, I thought about sneaking her into the house and up to my room, my thought process not that different than it had been at sixteen.

No. Not this time. I already knew she wasn't ready. For the first time, it wasn't about the end game. I wanted Daisy in my bed, but more than that, I wanted to keep her there.

Rushing might get me a fuck, but it wouldn't get me Daisy.

She shoved at my shoulder, and with a rush of disappointment, I rolled back to let her go. I didn't expect her to follow, pushing me to my back and leaning over me, one leg hitched over my hip, grazing my hard cock. Soft breasts pillowed on my chest as she brushed her lips against mine, her fingers again buried in my hair, her palm nudging my head back into the perfect position for a slow, deep kiss.

The brush of her leg against my cock was almost enough to push me over the edge. But it wasn't just that, it was her taking control, leading the kiss. So far, I'd been the one to initiate. I hadn't realized how it would feel for Daisy to turn the tables and seduce me.

Her fingers busy on my shirt buttons, I skimmed my hands up her back and flicked open her bra, filling my palms with her breasts, loving the hum of pleasure in her throat at my touch. It wasn't until she spread my shirt open that she sat up, her nipples peaking beneath her polo shirt, teeth sunk into her swollen bottom lip.

Her fingers stroking down my chest, voice husky, she said, “We're outside, aren't we?”

I grinned up at her as she looked around, eyes dazed with lust as if wondering how we got here. “We are. And there are a lot of windows aimed this way.”

Her teeth sank into her lip again, the obvious regret on her face the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Curling up to sit beside her, I nuzzled her cheek, reaching behind her to refasten her bra. “Next time I want you somewhere private. Somewhere it's just us.”

“I want that too,” Daisy admitted. “Not tonight, but soon.”

“Not tonight, but soon,” I agreed.

Letting her go—packing up the picnic and carrying it back to the house, walking her to her car and sending her off with just one more kiss on her sweet, perfect mouth—it was all so much harder than it should have been.

It was a date. A date with a pretty woman. I'd had countless dates and not a single one of them had meant anything. I'd walked away from every one of those women without a second thought.

I hadn't taken Daisy to bed. She hadn't even agreed to go out with me or confessed that she didn't really have a boyfriend, and still, saying goodbye was a bitch.

I wanted her to stay. I wanted her in my house. In my bed. I just fucking wanted her.

Now, I knew she wanted me, too. I could have walked away if I thought she wasn't interested. Really, truly wasn't interested.

Now that I knew she wanted me almost as much as I wanted her?

Nothing was going to scare me away.

Not even Daisy herself.

Chapter Seventeen


For two days, I was walking on air. All I could think about was Royal.

I tried not to. God knows I had plenty

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