Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,94

winked at her. “Ethel Borswell grabbed my ass not five minutes ago.”

“Lucas!” Gina said. “Ethel Borswell is seventy-three years old.”

“What can I say,” Lucas said. “The ladies love me. All of them.”’

He shook Rob’s hand and Kira was weirdly grateful when he gave Lisa a decidedly cold smile. “Lisa.”

“Hi, Lucas. It’s good to see you again. How’s the world of video games?” Lisa’s smile had widened but for the first time, Kira thought it looked fake and unnatural.

“Fine,” Lucas said dismissively. He punched Connor in the arm. “I see you finally bought yourself a real tie instead of a clip on.”

“At least I’m wearing one,” Connor said.

“Hey, gorgeous,” Lucas smiled at her.

“Hi,” she said.

“Lucas, this is Kira,” Gina said. “Kira, Lucas has been Connor’s best friend since they were kids.”

“She knows,” Lucas said.

“Oh,” Gina said. “Have you two met before?”

Lucas put his arm around Kira’s shoulders and tugged her away from Connor. “Of course, we have, Mama G. I’m Connor’s best friend, and Kira’s his girlfriend. We’ve hung out like, what, five or six times now?”

He turned to Kira who said, “Seven, I think.”

“Right. I forgot about strip poker night,” Lucas said.

Connor laughed and even Kira managed a more natural smile. She barely knew Lucas, but holy hell, she was eternally grateful to him.

“We’re practically besties, aren’t we, Kira?” Lucas said.

“Practically,” she said.

Lucas leaned down and planted a kiss on her cheek. “You’re looking beautiful. Connor’s a lucky man.”

“Thank you.” She gave him a huge smile that she hoped conveyed exactly how much she loved him in this moment.

“How about you, Lucas?” Lisa’s voice had lost some of its warmth. “Are you seeing anyone special?”

“Does Ethel Borswell grabbing my ass count as someone special?” Lucas said. “Because I’m thinking it might.”

“Oh, Lucas,” Gina said with a sigh as Connor reached out and tugged Kira away from Lucas and up against him.

He gave her another worried look before leaning down and breathing into her ear. “I should have told you. I’m sorry.”

She nodded but slipped her arm around his waist and gave him a squeeze and reassuring smile. Yeah, he definitely should have mentioned it but now wasn’t the time to talk about it.

“We should find a seat,” Rob said.

Gina grabbed Lisa’s hand. “All right. Follow me, everyone.”

* * *

“You look like you could use this.” Lucas sat down beside her and placed a drink in front of her.

“Oh, thank you, but Connor is getting me one,” Kira said.

Lucas pointed to the far end of the room where an older woman with short, gray hair was holding Connor’s arm and talking animatedly to him. “Connor’s been waylaid by his aunt. Trust me, he won’t return for at least half an hour.”

She smiled and picked up the drink. They clinked glasses and she took a sip, the burn of the whisky surprisingly helpful.

“So, how are you holding up?”

“Fine,” Kira said. “I’m having a great time.”

“Oh yeah?” Lucas gave her a disbelieving look.

“Yes. The ceremony was beautiful, the food was delicious and the music,” she pointed to the dance floor where the bride and groom, as well as a couple dozen of their friends and family were dancing, “is on point. I’ve enjoyed meeting Connor’s family and friends.”

He grinned. “Well aren’t you just a glass half full kind of girl.”

“Thank you, by the way, for pretending to know me so well before the ceremony. It was feeling a bit awkward and you really helped break the tension.”

“Not a problem. I’m Connor’s best friend and it’s my duty to help convince people his fake relationship is anything but fake.”

The whiskey sloshed unpleasantly in Kira’s stomach. “I’m sorry?”

Lucas studied her, a small frown crossing his face. “Are you okay? I thought you knew Connor told me about this being fake. You’re trying to make some firefighter jealous, right?”

“Oh, um, yeah we were, but Connor and I decided to date for real,” Kira said. “He didn’t mention it to you?”

Lucas shook his head. “No, he didn’t.”


“I’m sure it’s just because he was busy. Plus, he’s not really one to share a lot, you know?”

“Yeah, I know.” Kira made herself smile at Lucas, but the nausea was growing. Why hadn’t Connor told his best friend that they were dating for real? Was he having second thoughts? Once the wedding was over, would he tell Kira they were over?

“So, I heard that you found the perfect place for Stark’s new office.”

She blinked at him. “What?”

“Isaac Stark? He’s my boss. You were the agent who found him the new

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