Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,56

I mean… we just kind of fooled around a little.”

“But you want to do more,” Grace said.

Shit. She hated how well Gracie knew her. “Yes. Okay? Yes. Last night I asked him to come in and show me some other stuff. He said no because I was tipsy but said that if I was still interested tonight, he would come over. I’ve decided that I’ll have a better chance with Daniel if I know some sex stuff. Like, not necessarily sex, but you know…”

“Handies and blowies?” Grace made the universal wanking off sign in front of her mouth as her tongue pushed against her cheek.

“Gross, Gracie.” Kira tried to scowl at her, but a giggle slipped out.

“Is blowie even a sex term for fellatio?” Addison said.

Grace shrugged. “I dunno but it’s better than saying - hey, Connor, will you give me a lesson on fellatio? I would like to learn how to fellate like a fornicating fool.”

Kira burst into laughter and even Addie giggled. “You’re nuts, Gracie.”

“Yep,” Gracie said solemnly. “Okay, let’s recap. Kira and Connor are in a fakey-fake relationship. Dr. ‘I Don’t Like PDAs” Connor puts on an Oscar-worthy performance as her boyfriend complete with the most public displays of PDAs I’ve ever witnessed. Kira is asking him for not-quite-sex lessons to improve her chances with Daniel, even though she suddenly doesn’t seem to care all that much that Daniel might be jealous. Are we all caught up?”

“I care,” Kira protested. “I love Daniel.”

“Do you, though?” Grace said.

“I do,” Kira insisted. “I just – I’m attracted to Connor and he’s attracted to me and with as much sex experience as Daniel has -”

“Gross.” Addie drained her wine glass.

“I just think it would be the smart idea to not go into this completely naïve to sex. I’m not going to give up my virginity or anything to Connor, but there’s no harm in fooling around a bit. We both know what this is.”

“Are you sure? Because this sounds like a really quick way to complicate things,” Grace said.

“It isn’t,” Kira said. “We’re both adults and why shouldn’t I have a little fun with him? I’m not going to have sex with him.”

“You thinking what I’m thinking?” Grace said to Addie.

“Me thinks the lady doth protest too much,” Addie said.

“Fuckin A, Addie. Fuckin’ A.” Grace raised her beer bottle to Addie in a salute before taking another swig.

“I’m not having sex with him,” Kira repeated. “But, even if I for some weird reason decided to have sex with Connor, what’s the big deal? You’re always telling me that a woman’s virginity is nothing special, Gracie.”

“And you’re always telling me it is,” Grace said.

Kira just shrugged. “Maybe I’m changing my mind.”

“Which is your right and we will support you no matter who you choose to be your first banging partner,” Grace said. “But that being said, think carefully about whether this infatuation with Connor is worth giving up something you’ve held on to for a deliberate reason.”

“You don’t think having sex with Connor is the right decision?”

“I didn’t say that,” Gracie replied. “Ultimately, it is completely your choice who you sleep with for the first time. But remember that Connor isn’t interested in a relationship. I don’t want you getting hurt, honey.”

“I won’t,” Kira said. “I know this is fake and, besides, my feelings for Connor are just lust. But, like Addie said before, maybe it isn’t such a good idea to save yourself for just one person. Why shouldn’t I do a little tasting off the menu? Right, Addie?”

“Do as I say and not as I do,” Addie said.

“So, you regret that Harrison is the only guy you’ve slept with?” Kira said.

Addie hesitated. “I don’t – I mean, obviously I love Harrison and want to spend the rest of my life with him, but there might be a little bit of – not regret – but more curiosity about what other guys may or may not be like in bed.”

“You ready to share who you have a dirty little crush on yet, Addie-pants?” Grace said with a grin.

Addison pulled at the pearls around her neck. “I already told you, no one in particular.”

“Okay, Addie, whatever you say.” Grace pointed her beer bottle at Kira. “Honey, we love you and we want what’s best for you. Just make sure you think long and hard about any decisions you make regarding Connor, okay?”

“I will,” Kira said. “Stop worrying, Gracie. I’m not thinking that Connor is falling for me or something like that.

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