Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,51

“Hold on a minute.”

She turned the screen toward Kira and Kira made a soft sound of happiness. “Harper!”

Harper’s smiling face filled Addison’s phone screen. “Congratulations, honey! I’m so proud of you.”

“Thanks, Harper.” Kira took the phone from Addison. “How are you?”

“I’m good,” Harper replied. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there in person tonight to celebrate with you.”

“That’s all right,” Kira said. “This is mostly acceptable.”

Harper laughed and blew a kiss at her. “I really am very proud of you, honey.”

“Thank you! Oh, I, um, want you to meet my boyfriend, Connor,” Kira said.

No doubt Addie had told Harper all about the fake relationship, but it would look rude if Kira didn’t introduce them. She tilted the phone so Harper could see Connor. “Harper, this is Connor. Connor, this is my other bestie, Harper.”

“Nice to meet you,” Connor said.

“You as well.” Harper smiled at him. “I hear you’re an excellent dentist and an even better ball player.”

Connor gave her a modest grin. “I do my best.”

Harper laughed and Kira turned the phone back to face just her. “How’s New York?”

“It’s good. Listen, I’ll call you next week and we’ll get completely caught up, but right now I’m going to let you go so you can enjoy your special night. Love you, Kira!”

“Love you too, Harper.” Kira made a kissy face at Harper before handing Addie back her phone.

Addie smiled at Harper. “I’ll call you later.”

She tucked her phone away and Ray tapped his glass with his knife. “I’d like to make a toast.”

As Ray began to speak, Kira smiled up at Connor. He returned her smile before putting his arm around the back of her chair. She leaned against him, warmth and happiness infusing her entire body.

* * *

Connor made his way through the crowded bar section toward the bathrooms. It had been almost three hours and – he grinned a little – Kira was starting to show the effects of the wine she drank with dinner. She wasn’t exactly drunk, but she was definitely tipsy, and he’d quickly realized that he found a tipsy Kira incredibly adorable.

She and Addison had left to use the bathroom just shortly before he did, and his entire body stiffened when he realized that not only were Daniel and his friend Brad here at the restaurant, Kira and Addison were with them.

Trying to keep his cool, he quickly joined them at the bar just as Daniel made a loud shout and picked up Kira. He hugged her hard, and Connor’s hot jealousy abated a little when Kira immediately pushed on his shoulders and wiggled out of Daniel’s grip. She backed up a few steps, weaving just the littlest bit, as Daniel grinned down at her.

“Congratulations, doll. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thanks, Daniel,” Kira said.

Connor put his arm around her waist and tugged her back against him. “Hey, honey.”

“Hi.” She gave him a sweet smile and he knew he had a smug grin on his face when she leaned against him instead of trying to escape his grip.

“Hey, doc.” Daniel picked up a shot and held it out to Kira. “Just in time to help us do celebratory shots.”

“Oh, no, thank you,” Kira said. “I’ve already had enough to drink.”

“C’mon, you gotta do one. This is your big moment.” Daniel held out another shot to Addison. “Addie, you do one too.”

“Uh, no way,” Addison said. “The last time I did shots with you, I ended up puking all night.”

Daniel laughed and held the shot to Connor. “Doc?”

“No, thanks.”

Daniel shrugged and handed one shot to Brad before drinking the other. He winced and clapped Brad on the back. “Damn, man, what was in that?”

“You don’t want to know,” the redhead mumbled. He was obviously drunk, and he leaned against the bar before squinting at Addison. “Hey, sexy.”

“Shut up, idiot.” Daniel punched him in the shoulder. “That’s my sister, remember?”

Addison rolled her eyes before taking Kira’s hand. “C’mon, let’s go back to the table.”

“Are you coming, Connor?” Kira asked when he let her go.

“In a minute,” he said. “I just need to use the bathroom.”

“Okay.” She and Addie left, and Connor stared at Daniel.

The firefighter grinned at him. “What’s up, doc?”

Before Connor could reply, Daniel said, “I know you and Kira are dating now, but I’ve known her for a long time. We have a special relationship that a Willington boy like you, just wouldn’t understand.”

“You’re drunk, Daniel. Go home and sleep it off.”

Daniel shrugged again. “All I’m saying is that you don’t know Kira the way you

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