Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,49

his lips. “I’m sure it would get plenty of use from employees.”

“With a few renovations, this place could be exactly what you’re looking for, Mr. Stark.”

“A few renovations? I see your vision, Ms. Walker, but this place was last updated in what – the eighties? The entire interior would need gutting and the renos required would cost at least a few hundred grand.”

“Yes, but the town has been trying to sell this place for the last five years. They’re highly motivated to sell,” Kira said. “I’m confident that we can make an offer to the town that will be well below your purchasing budget, and they’ll accept.”

He studied her silently and she gave him a self-assured smile. “As well, I’ve lived in Harmony Falls my entire life. My father was a contractor who built a good quarter of the homes here. I can set you up with the best and most competent tradespeople in this town to do your renovations.”

Mr. Stark continued to study her, and she resisted the urge to keep talking. She’d said everything she could to convince him. She’d have to hope it was enough. After what felt like an eternity, he nodded.

“You’ve convinced me, Ms. Walker. Come, we’ll have lunch and we can discuss the offer you’ll send on my behalf.”

She wanted to shriek with joy.

She wanted to hug the tall and scary man standing in front of her.

She wanted to dance like a crazy person.

Instead, she smiled and said, “I know the perfect place for lunch, Mr. Stark.”

* * *

Kira stared at the paperwork in front of her. Isaac Stark’s signature was a dark slash and she traced his name before sitting back in her chair. She’d done it. She’d made her first sale.


She turned and smiled at the stylish, silver-haired woman standing in her cubicle. “Hi, Rose.”

“Congratulations, honey. I knew you could do it. How do you feel?”

“I… it happened so fast,” Kira said. “They accepted our initial offer in like, half an hour. I did the paperwork and Mr. Stark signed it and left me a money order for the down payment. I’m taking the paperwork over for the representative from the town to sign and – and it’s done. It happened so fast.”

Rose laughed. “Yes, well it doesn’t always happen that way so don’t get used to it.”

She squeezed Kira’s shoulder. “I am so proud of you, Kira. I know your mom and dad would be too.”

“Thank you, Rose.” Kira picked up the papers and put them into an envelope. “I’m going to take these over now, I’ll be back in an hour or so.”

“Sounds good.” Rose walked away and Kira grabbed her purse and headed to her car. She was nearly vibrating with excitement, and she climbed into the car and shut the door before grabbing her cell phone. She had to share her news. She couldn’t keep it inside a moment longer. She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel with nervous energy as the phone rang in her ear.

“Hey, Kira. What’s up?”

“Connor, I did it!” Her voice was shrill with excitement. “I did it! I made my first sale!”

“That’s fantastic. Congratulations, I knew you could do it.” The warmth in his voice made her tingle all over.

“I can’t believe it. I mean, I still need to take the paperwork over to the seller, but my client’s offer was accepted like right away – which rarely happens – and he already signed the paperwork and left me a money order for the down payment. As long as I don’t, like, get into an accident on the way to the seller’s, it’s a done deal.”

He laughed. “Okay, let’s not get into an accident.”

“I won’t, I just… I can’t believe it. I’m not gonna lose my job and I’m gonna get paid!”

“Congratulations,” he said again. “What did your brother and Grace say about your very first sale?”

“Oh, um, I haven’t told them yet,” she said.

“You called me first?”

“Uh, yeah. Sorry, you’re at work and I guess I shouldn’t have called. Shit, did I interrupt an appointment?”

“No, it’s fine,” he said. “I’m in between appointments. I’m glad you called me, Kira.”

“I am too,” she said.

There was a moment of silence and then Connor said, “This calls for a celebration. If you’re not busy, I’d like to take you for dinner tonight.”

“I’d love that,” Kira said.

“Perfect. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

* * *

“Hopefully you like this place.” Connor pulled into the parking lot of the Urban Cuisine and parked the car.

“It’s actually my

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