Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,35

hate that you’re always fighting and angry with each other now. You just need to be honest and tell Gideon how you feel, and he’ll back off, I promise.”

Grace didn’t reply and Kira gave her one last squeeze. “He loves both of us and just wants what’s best for us. Okay, Gracie?”

“Sure.” Grace smiled, although the smile looked a little fake to Kira. “I love you, Kira.”

“I love you too, Gracie-Lou.”

Chapter Eight

“Holy smokes, I know I’ve been saying this all game, but Connor is a really good baseball player,” Addison said.

Kira nodded, her eyes glued to Connor as he stepped up to bat. It was the bottom of the ninth and with two men out and the game tied, he was their team’s only chance to win the game.

“Did you know he was this good?” Addison asked.

“No,” Kira replied. “Oh God, what if he strikes out?”

“He won’t,” Grace said. “He hasn’t struck out all game, and Daniel’s getting tired. You can tell.”

Kira studied Daniel. The firefighter didn’t look tired to her. He stretched and cracked his neck before bending to retie his shoe. She wanted to admire the muscles in his back, but her gaze kept being drawn back to Connor.

He was swinging the bat idly as he waited for Daniel. Warmth crept into her belly when he bent and gently massaged his right knee and his pants tightened across his admittedly amazing ass.

“Does he have a sore knee?” Addison asked. “He rubs it a lot.”

“He does the same thing at work sometimes. Usually near the end of the day,” Grace said. “I overheard one of the other hygienists asking him about it once and he kind of blew her off. Has he mentioned it to you, Kira?”

“No, but,” Kira lowered her voice, “we’ve only had one ‘get to know you’ session.”

“Well, when you find out, let us know,” Addison said. “I’m curious to find out what -”

“Shh,” Kira said. “He’s up.”

She watched, her hands clasped together, her stomach a tight knot of tension, as Connor stood in the batter’ box, his knees slightly bent, the bat held high over one shoulder. He stared unblinkingly at Daniel and Kira winced when Daniel threw the ball and the umpire called a strike.

“Oh God,” she muttered when the second strike was called, “he’s going to strike out.”

Normally she would have been thrilled if Daniel struck out a batter. But despite her relationship with Connor being fake, she desperately wanted him to hit the damn ball.

“C’mon,” she whispered. Darkness had fallen but she could see the gleam of sweat on Daniel’s forehead reflecting under the diamond lights. He stared steadily at Connor and her breath caught in her throat when he threw the ball.

There was a loud CRACK, and she was on her feet, her heart in her throat and her mouth bone dry, as the players and the fans in the bleachers all watched the arc of the ball. The center outfielder ran backward, his arm up and his glove-covered hand stretched out.

It wasn’t even close. The ball sailed over the fence and disappeared, and Kira screamed excitedly, clapping her hands and pounding her feet as the other people on the bleacher erupted into loud cheers and catcalls.

“He did it!” Kira hugged Grace and then Addison, before clapping again. She watched as Connor jogged around the bases and when he stepped on home plate, he glanced up at her. She waved at him, knowing she had a giant stupid grin on her face, but not caring.

He returned her smile, that adorable dimple appearing in his cheek, before slapping the hands of his fellow players. She sank back to her butt on the seat, watching as Connor returned to the bench. He was limping the slightest bit and her smile faded a little. She’d ask him about his knee after the game, she decided.

* * *

“We’re going for drinks, you in?”

Connor shook his head as he packed up his bag. “Nah, I don’t think so. But thanks for the invite, Jack.”

The tall, lean doctor clapped him on the back. “You kicked that smug fire boy’s ass tonight, good job.”

Connor laughed. “Yeah, thanks.”

“Noticed that Sheriff Walker’s sister was cheering pretty loud for you,” Jack said.

Connor glanced over at the bleachers. Kira was standing in front of them, talking to Grace and another woman. “Yeah, we’re dating.”

“Oh,” Jack said. “Well, good for you. See you at practice on Sunday.”

“Yep. Night, Jack.”


Connor hesitated and then walked toward Kira. Now that he’d told Jack they were dating,

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