Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,20

trying to get me and Lisa back together.”

“Yeah, but… this isn’t like you,” Lucas said. “Maybe you should rethink your decision.”

“It’s too late. I already told Mom and Mandy that I had a girlfriend named Kira who I was bringing to the wedding.”

“What did your mom say?”

“Not a lot,” Connor said. “I think she was stunned into silence.”

“Yeah, I bet. My mom says that your mom and Lisa still hang out together all the time. All the time, dude.”

Connor rubbed at the back of his neck. “I didn’t know that, but I’m not surprised.”

“It was a real shitty thing for your parents to take Lisa’s side.”

“They didn’t take sides,” Connor said. “They just…”

“They took her side,” Lucas said. “I know it hurts to hear that, but they did. So, tell me more about this Kira chick. Obviously, she’s hot if you can’t stop kissing her.”

“I told you, I only kissed her because we needed to make sure we had chemistry as a couple.”

“Oh yeah?” Lucas said. “So, then why do you keep going over there to play kissy-face with her?”

Connor didn’t answer and Lucas frowned. “She’s in love with this firefighter, right?”


“Don’t forget that,” Lucas said.

“I haven’t,” Connor said. “I’ve known her for two days, Lucas. I’m not falling for her. Stop freaking out.”

“I just want to make sure you’re not setting yourself up for another broken heart,” Lucas said.

“I’m not. I’m not ready for a relationship and have no fucking idea when I will be,” Connor said.

“Do you still love Lisa?” Lucas asked. “Are you doing this to keep your family off your back or to make Lisa jealous?”

“I’m not in love with her,” Connor said. “I still care about her, but I’m not in love with her.”

“You sure?” Lucas eyed him.

“Yeah,” Connor said. “I’m sure. I’m doing this to stop everyone from pushing Lisa and me back together, nothing else. Which is why it’s so perfect that Kira is in love with Daniel. I don’t have to worry about her developing feelings for me.

“Right.” Lucas slid out of the booth. “I’m gonna hit the head.”

He walked away and Connor sat back in the booth, feeling a little like he’d been put through the wringer. He knew his best friend meant well, but if he was being truthful, he was still a little shaken by what had happened this morning.

He shouldn’t have even showed up at her place this morning. It was obvious they had chemistry, and Kira was fine at kissing him now.

Better than fine. You’re getting hard just thinking about her kissing you.

He shifted in the booth, trying to relieve some of the pressure in his groin. Last night when she had asked him about practicing, he’d been so damn tempted. He should have said no, should have told her that they didn’t need to practice anymore, but he couldn’t.

But saying yes last night would have been dangerous. Her bedroom was too close, too tempting. It was all too easy to imagine taking her to her bed, undressing her in the dark and kissing every part of her body until she was moaning and pleading in that soft, sweet voice of hers for him to fuck her.

So, he’d compromised and said this morning, figuring it was easier to resist fucking her if he was on a time limit.

Only, all his good intentions had flown out the damn window and he couldn’t even fool himself into thinking that if she hadn’t admitted to being a virgin, he wouldn’t have tried to coax her into having a quickie with him this morning. The way she reacted when he touched her, the way she tasted, and the little breathless cries she made had him twisted into a knot that he couldn’t seem to loosen.

He wanted Kira Walker. Their relationship might be fake, but it didn’t stop him from getting half a damn stiffy every time he was around her now. Didn’t stop him from wondering just how tight her little pussy was.

Very tight. She’s a virgin, remember?

He grimaced. She was and she was saving herself for Daniel Moore. An idiot who didn’t deserve it.

He supposed that was unfair of him. He really knew nothing about the man. Other than seeing him on the ball field, he didn’t travel in the same social circles as Daniel.

You don’t travel in any social circles. You’re barely a step above social recluse.

He gulped down the rest of his water. He’d found it hard to make friends in Harmony Falls, but whose fault was that?

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