Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,12

he?” Kira wondered if that was pride she was feeling. “Distracted, how?”

“Just distracted, not really into talking. Probably because he still had a raging boner.”

“Gracie!” Kira said.

Grace just grinned at her. “What? You’re telling me he wasn’t affected by kissing you?”

“No, he was,” Kira hesitated before forging ahead, “he was, um, really affected, by it. If you know what I mean.”

“No,” Addie gave her a teasing look, “I’m not certain I do. Describe it, Kira… and don’t be stingy with the details.”

“Ew, this is my boss we’re talking about,” Grace said.

“Suck it up, girl,” Addie said. “We were just talking about my brother and his sex life, remember?”

“He, um, was just really hard while we were kissing and even when we stopped and he left, you could still see that he was, uh…”

“Wishing he could have a little ‘afternoon delight’ with you?” Grace said.

Addison laughed and Kira flushed again. “No, of course not. He knows it’s fake and this is just so we can make it look more realistic.”

“All right,” Grace said, “but I still think you should consider, as Addie puts it, ‘tasting off the menu’ with Connor before committing yourself completely to Daniel.”

“I don’t want to,” Kira said. “I love Daniel and I want to be with him and only him.”

* * *

“I love Daniel and I want to be with him and only him,” Kira murmured as she watched Connor park on the street and climb out of his car. “Dr. MacMillan is attractive, sure, but I’m not interested in him or his kissing abilities.”

Of course, if she wasn’t interested in him, how did she explain the way she’d sped home from work? Or why she’d had a second shower as soon as she got home, or why she was wearing a full face of makeup and her favourite pair of skinny jeans with that knitted top that Gracie always said made her tits look fantastic?

Or why you’re wearing a matching set of lacy bra and panties?

She flushed at the knowing tone of her inner voice before smoothing her top down. She just felt like looking pretty tonight, no big deal, no particular reason. Lots of girls liked to feel good about themselves, especially in front of their weirdly hot dentist.

The weather was unseasonably warm today, even for April, and Connor was wearing just a fitted dress shirt and pair of jeans. She studied the lean length of him before her gaze landed on his crotch. Warmth infused her crotch and she looked away hurriedly.

“It’s fine,” she said. “Everything’s fine. You’re doing this to win over Daniel.” She checked her reflection in the mirror hanging on the wall in the hallway before opening the front door.

Connor was climbing the front steps of the porch and he gave her a polite smile. “Hello, Kira.”

“Hi. Come on in.”

He stepped inside and shut the door behind him before following her down the hallway.

“Uh, I don’t know if you’re hungry or not, but I picked up a meat and cheese platter and some crackers.” She stepped into the kitchen and pointed to the table where she had laid out the platter of food and the boxes of crackers.

“Thanks,” he said. “I worked late tonight and haven’t had a chance to grab dinner.”

“Okay, well sit down. Can I get you a beer or wine or…”?

“An iced tea would be good.” He sat down and she busied herself getting drinks for both of them as he helped himself to some food.

She set his drink in front of him before sitting down and grabbing some food for herself. She hadn’t eaten supper either and they ate in silence for a few minutes.

“So, um, how was work?” she asked.

“Busy.” He drank some iced tea.

“Do you like being a dentist?”

“I do.”

He didn’t say anything else and feeling a little frustrated, she said, “You realize it’s like pulling teeth trying to get you to talk, right?”

A small grin played on his lips and she made a little ‘pfft’ sound when she realized what she’d said. “I can’t believe I just said that to a dentist. But it doesn’t make it any less true. We’re trying to learn more information about each other, right?”

“Yes. Sorry, I’m not great at small talk or talking about myself. Never have been.”

“Fair enough,” she said. “Maybe it’s best if I go first? My dad always said I could talk the hind legs off a horse. Not that I ever really knew what that meant, but I am excellent at talking.”

He smiled …whoa,

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