Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,106

the main road onto a quiet side street and parked before shutting off her car. Maybe it wouldn’t be him, maybe it would be Ian.

Either way, get your bra on, dumbass!

It was too late. The door of the police vehicle opened, and the big body of Gideon Walker stepped out. He was wearing a pair of jeans with his shirt and police vest, and the denim clung to his thighs.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she whispered. She stared frantically at herself. The sun had set but it wasn’t very dark yet. The streetlight she had parked under provided more than enough light to see the way her heavy breasts pushed at the thin material of her dress. It was more than obvious that she was braless, and she quickly clamped her arms over her tits as Gideon stopped next to her window and leaned down.

“License and registration.”

“Gideon,” she said. “Seriously?”

He raised one eyebrow at her. “License and registration.”

She sighed in irritation and keeping one arm across her chest, she yanked her wallet from her purse and fumbled it open. She pulled out her license and handed it to him before unbuckling her seatbelt and reaching into the glove box for the registration. He took it from her and perused both as she scowled at him.

“Why did you pull me over?”

He ducked his head into the car, and she had to fight her sudden urge to lick his neck. Being arrested for sexually assaulting the Sheriff wasn’t her idea of a good fucking time. He studied the interior of her car before moving back a little.

“Where are you coming from tonight?”

“Your sister’s house.”

“Were you drinking?”

“No,” she said.

He stared at her and she cleared her throat. “I had one glass of wine, Gideon.”

“Just one?”

“Yes. You know I wouldn’t drink and drive. Why did you pull me over?” she said.

“You weaved into the other lane.” He stepped back and straightened.

She stared at his gun and the handcuffs hooked to his belt before her gaze dipped to his crotch. Her face flushed and she hurriedly looked away. Was now the time to be thinking about his cock?

No, it definitely wasn’t.

“Step out of the car.”

“Are you kidding me?” she said. “Gideon, c’mon. You know I don’t drink and drive. Just give me a warning for distracted driving and let me go.”

“Step out of the car,” Gideon repeated. “Don’t make me ask you again.”

She hesitated a moment longer. Gideon made a low noise of disapproval and opened her car door. Keeping her arms crossed over her chest, she climbed out of her car and glared at him.

“You’re a real dick, Gideon.”

His gaze narrowed. “You might want to think twice before insulting a police officer.”

“You gonna arrest me for hurting your feelings?” she said. “Does the big bad sheriff hate it when a woman makes fun of him?”

“Enough,” Gideon growled. “You’re doing a sobriety test.”

“Like hell, I am!” She nearly shouted. “I am not drunk.”

“Either do a sobriety test or park your car and walk home,” he said.

She glared at him. “Fine, I’ll walk.”

A brief look of surprise crossed his face. She poked him hard in the chest and he made a grunt of surprise as she said, “Get out of my way so I can start walking.”

He didn’t and she poked him again. He scowled at her. “Don’t do that again.”

Slowly and deliberately, she poked him for a third time in the chest. His nostrils flared and she squeaked in surprise when he grabbed her arms and turned her around. He pulled her arms away from her chest and pushed them onto the top of her car as he pinned her against the car with his hard body.

She stopped squirming immediately, her nerve endings lit on fire by the feel of Gideon’s body against hers.

“Let go of me,” she said in a trembling voice.

“You assaulted a police officer,” he said into her ear. “You’re lucky I don’t arrest you right here.”

His breath tickled her ear and she supposed she should have been freaking out about the possibility of spending a night in jail. Instead, she was being consumed by all sorts of images of Gideon and his handcuffs and just how he might use them on her.

Her pussy throbbed and her nipples tightened and if she was any wetter, she’d be fucking drowning in her own come.

“I – I poked you,” she squeaked out and then cleared her throat. “It was hardly an assault.”

“How much have you had to drink?” he asked again. “You were weaving.”

She sighed loudly.

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