Sweet Curves (Sweet Enough to Eat #2) - Mila Crawford ,Aria Cole Page 0,23

A’s, president of debate club and the student paper. Sometimes she even gave me parenting advice,” she shook her head, “so precocious. Obviously, she had her struggles, but then...well, I was so proud when she announced she was starting her own business, and let me tell you--so shocked when I realized she’d found a way to turn her struggle, and some might say her number one passion, into a business. Sweet Curves bakery has taken all of our lives by storm, most of all hers. Sugar wasn’t the enemy anymore, it made her famous.”

Mom paused, shaking her head before her eyes trained on the crowd again. I clenched my nails into Sawyer’s thigh, making him wince. My father, sitting on the other side of my mom cleared his throat and tried to get the attention of his obtuse wife.

“So there she went again, proving everyone wrong, most of all me,” she took a drink of her champagne. “Smart girl,” she scoffed, “I think the wisest thing she did was walking into Sawyer's gym that day to get her life under control, and then she found love.” She turned to me then, smiling wider, “and Sawyer saved her life. He made my girl into a healthier version--”

“I hate to speak up, but you’re all wrong about your daughter, Ms. Wilder.” Sawyer’s mother stood from the opposite end of the table. “She’s smart--brilliant and so talented. But the part you’re missing is that she’s beautiful, radiant, lights up a room with her laugh and has made my son the happiest I’ve ever seen him. She’s one of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met, and I’ve known a lot of people--forgive me for saying that most of them are blind to true beauty, the kind that comes from the inside and radiates out.”

Sawyer’s mother came around the table and enveloped me in a hug. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I felt the love of this woman and her family welcoming me into theirs.

“Thank you so much for everything. You’ve been so wonderful to me from the beginning.” I confessed to my new mother in law.

“Oh, sweetheart, you’re the loveliest and kindest soul--my Sawyer is a lucky young man to have you. I’ll make sure he doesn’t forget that, and that he does his job pampering you as your husband.”

“I was raised right, of course I pamper her.” Sawyer crushed me into his arms, making me feel so very loved.

“Katie, honey, why do you hurt me like this, in front of all these people? I am mortified.” Mom wiped angry tears from her eyes.

“Mom, I didn’t say--”

“You give this woman all your attention, like she raised you--it was me that was there late at night when you had nightmares or needed anything.”

I had more memories of my father rubbing my back or cooking me late night salami sandwiches on the skillet fried in crispy brown butter and topped with shaved cheddar. I didn’t remind her that she was often in bed by nine and refused to interact with the world before eight the following morning. Every morning.

“You give her so much of your love and treat me like dirt.” Mom shook her head, turning away.

“Because she's shown me more love and acceptance than you ever have.”

“Katie,” mom breathed, mouth open and closing like a shocked fish.

“She isn’t wrong, mom,” Hallie spoke up at her side, my father frowning softly at her shoulder.

“Katie, I-I just wanted the best for you. I’m sorry, honey, I promise I’ll try to do better.” Her hand hovered at my shoulder, finally enveloping me in a long hug.

The crowd erupted into soft claps, people wiping at their eyes before I smiled, my mother’s own tears streaking her mascara as she smiled back at me. “I love you so much, my sweet girl, I really do.”

“I know, mom.” I finally said, glad for Sawyer’s strong and steady hand on mine for each and every moment.

“Sweet Cheeks, it’s been eight hours…”

“Sawyer,” I whispered, his hand sliding up my thigh as we snuggled together in first class. The stewardess caught my eye from the front of the plane, smiling brightly and then pouring someone else a glass of champagne.

She’d already dropped off one for Sawyer and me--this entire trip a special treat for our honeymoon. By choice we’d skipped out of our own reception early because we had the last plane to Fiji to catch.

“Meet me in the bathroom as soon as she’s not paying attention.” He was up and out

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