Sweet Curves (Sweet Enough to Eat #2) - Mila Crawford ,Aria Cole Page 0,15

for the two of us.

“It’s not fine, not at all. I don’t like anyone talking to my favorite person like that.”

“You’ll get used to it.” I could hear the sleep in her voice already.

“The hell I will.” I countered.

“It’ll just be harder on all of us if you don’t trust me. You think I haven’t tried everything? Hallie wasn’t always like that, ya know. She just learned that that’s what my mom liked--bright lipstick and perfect girls, always smiling and making jokes. It’s the ultimate Stepford-wife and I can’t even begin to wrap my head around it.”

“Because you’re not a robot.”

“Well, most days being a robot would have been easier.”

I nodded, fingertips trailing up the underside of her arm and eliciting slow shivers of pleasure from her.

“I’m sure as hell glad you’re not a robot,” I trailed my lips down her neck, “I’m really fucking glad you’re Katie--the girl with the sweet curves that stole my heart at first sight.”

I flipped her warm body in my arms, my fingers eating up her curves as I caressed and possessed every inch of her, my fingers sinking between her wet folds and swirling her damp arousal around her thighs until she was glistening and heated. I had to taste her. I moved down her body, lips seeking out her leaking pussy.

“Oh, my, god,” she breathed with her hands in my hair as I licked and sucked her to wave after wave of release. Her thighs tense around my ears, she cried out in sexy little pants as I nipped and sucked and then added a long digit to her damp core, drilling in and out of her until she was arching of the bed and calling my name.

Let the entire house hear her, I didn’t give a fuck. I wanted her to feel more alive and happy than she’d ever been, it was just lucky for me that included my lips on her skin.

“Mm, love seeing you groan and writhe against my tongue.” I crawled up her body, tucking her into my arms and stroking my fingers through her hair until her breathing came back to normal. “Sleep, sweet cheeks. In exactly eight hours I’m going to want my tongue inside of you again.”

“I think you might want to slow down there, cowboy. You and my dad are going fishing on his boat while I make a damn wedding cake.” She said, kissing me softly. I groaned at the idea of spending a day away from Katie and leaving her to her wolf mother.

“I really don’t want to leave you here alone.”

“Sawyer, I have had over two decades of this life. I’m fully equipped to deal with it. I promise.” She kissed my lips and the taste of her sweet lips made me forget my own name. “Enjoy your time with Daddy. He is the sane one.”

“Baby, I would go through anything to make your life more comfortable. Don’t worry about me.” I said, pulling her closer in the crook of my arm, before we both fell asleep.

“So, what are your plans for my baby girl?” Katie’s dad nailed me as soon as we hit the dock.

“Uhm, no plans, Sir. I mean, I guess it’s a little soon--” I stumbled to find the right words, thrown off guard by his directness.

“No plans for my daughter? You’re worse than I thought, I was hoping a guy that owned his own business would be the right fit--”

“Oh, we’re the right fit, Sir, no doubt about that--” I caught myself, the double entendre of my words not falling short on me.

Her dad’s nostrils flared. “So, you’ve got no plans, but you’re a good fit, huh?”

I pushed a hand over my head as her father loosened the deck line and the boat motored away from the shore. I contemplated jumping for it, swimming for the shore and helping Katie with that cake, and then I thought of her mother’s eagle eye’s on us that morning in the kitchen, and figured I was better here, better anywhere away from that woman.

Meeting her dad yesterday, I hadn’t been able to figure out why he stayed married so long to someone like that. But the way he was all-business, making me squirm under his gaze right now, made me see things slightly differently.

“I have big plans, Sir, I just…” I struggled to convey what I meant, “I’m just so in shock that I’ve found her again, we haven't thought enough long-term. But, I guess long-term, I want her to

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