Sweet as Candy - Karla Doyle Page 0,88

And be so proud.”

“Okay.” She threw her arms around his neck and hugged as hard as a little first-grader could, before drawing back to look at his face again. “Why do you need Mommy’s permission for me to call you Dad?”

“I don’t, not for that part. That’s your decision, one hundred percent. But if we want to make it really official, I’ll need your mom’s permission to legally adopt you.”

“Would my name change?”

“It doesn’t have to.”

“Would I be allowed to change it?” she asked.

“Absolutely. I still have to talk about all the legal stuff with your mom, and it might take some time to make it happen, but in my mind, you’re already my little girl.”

Macy leapt from the bench, wrapping her arms around him in another miniature powerhouse hug.

Over Macy’s shoulder, he met Candace’s eyes. He’d massively overstepped on this one. No amount of backpedaling would undo it, so he hoped to hell none would be necessary.

She mouthed the words, I love you, then blew him a kiss. Sparkles glinted from the diamond on her ring finger. His fiancée. His future wife. The mother of their amazing child.

Macy returned to the bench and slid her ring onto her finger. Side by side, his two ladies beamed while admiring their new jewelry. Picture perfect.

He stood and stepped back, pulled out his phone and cued up the camera.

“May I do that for you?” a woman walking by asked. “You should be in this picture too.”

“Thanks, that’d be great. Thank you.” He slid behind the bench, crouching between Candace and Macy with an arm around each of them.

“Ready, and—” A gasp interrupted the woman’s countdown, as a blue Morpho butterfly landed front and center on Macy’s t-shirt.

“Mommy, Daddy, look,” Macy whispered.

“Perfect,” the woman said, snapping the picture.

A truer word had never been said. Everything was perfect.

Read the rest of the Close to Home series…


Nia has one rule—don’t date neighbors. Simple, except the guy next door is single, handsome, and not inclined to close his blinds while naked. When her car dies, Conn takes “being neighborly” to a new level by offering a ride to her long-distance destination. Nia has resisted his looks and charm for months. Surely she can handle a few hours in his truck…

For months, Conn has blatantly put himself on display, hoping his pretty blonde neighbor would tire of secretly watching and come knock on his door for a cup of sugar—or more. No such luck—until an unusual opportunity arises. After a six-hour drive turns into a sweet-and-sexy weekend, Conn wants more than neighborly status with Nia. To get it, he must convince her to break the rule protecting her heart—by putting his on the line.


Nia and Conn’s wedding will be fairytale perfect…if their siblings can get along.

Free-spirited, anti-establishment Sara has always been on the outside of her family’s fairytale mold. Now she’s being forced smack into the middle of it at her sister Nia’s wedding. Alongside the cocky and annoyingly sexy best man—Conn’s cop brother.

Curtis doesn’t buy in to organized romance and fairytales. But for his brother, he’ll throw on a tux and fake it for a few hours. His flak vest would have been a better choice around the maid of honor. He should have brought his handcuffs too, because somebody needs to restrain the dark-haired spitfire—and he’s just the man for the job.

One night to indulge the spark between them, then goodbye—that was the agreement. Curtis isn’t looking for a relationship and he sure doesn’t want a troublemaker for a girlfriend. The last thing Sara needs in her daily life is a cop looking over her shoulder, no matter how hot he is.

But giving in to their chemistry is much more fun than giving it up…

♥ ♥ ♥

Visit Karla’s website for more information.

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Karla Doyle

Also by Karla Doyle

Cup of Sugar (Close to Home #1)

Icing on the Cake (Close to Home #2)

Sweet as Candy (Close to Home #3)

Gift Wrapped

Body of Work (Very Personal Training #1)

Worth the Wait (Very Personal Training #2)

More Than Words

Game Plan

Crossing the Line

Stealing Home

Cup of Sugar

(Close to Home series—Book 1)

Nia has one rule—don’t date neighbors. Simple, except the guy next door

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