Sweet as Candy - Karla Doyle Page 0,71

the vehicle with another display of lightning speed. He flung her door open seconds later, offering her his hand in a gentlemanly fashion that did not match his carnal smile.

One touch and her body tingled. She squeezed his hand as they crossed the asphalt at the maximum speed her heels and dress allowed. Not fast enough for Jake, based on the hungry glint in his eyes. Not fast enough for her, either. An urgency she hadn’t expected to feel again, ever, after losing her libido to the job. Jake had revived it singlehandedly. Maybe tonight, he’d stoke it even higher, doublehandedly.

“That is one beautifully naughty smile on your face, sweets.”

“Just thinking about some of the things I’d like you to do.” She gasped as he stopped abruptly, pulling her fast and tight against him.

“Tell me, and I will make every single one of them a reality better than anything you’re imagining.”

“I know you will. That’s why I’m not going to give you specifics.” She slid her hands up his warm, hard chest, then twined her arms behind his neck. “I don’t want you to follow some script from my head. I’ll keep those for nights when I’m alone.”

“That’d be never, if I had my way.”

“Let’s win the lottery, run far, far away and make that happen.”

“Sounds great, but I think the odds of winning are pretty low.”

“Rob a bank and run far, far away?” she asked, running the pads of her fingers over the soft, short hair at the back of his head.

“Sorry, the odds of that are even lower.” Integrity was one of his many wonderful qualities.

One of the reasons she loved him. She’d tell him that tonight, as soon as the right moment presented.

“There’s a whole lot going on behind those pretty eyes of yours. You’re not planning a bank heist, are you? Because, if I’m going to handcuff you, I’d rather do it in the bedroom.”

“Is that something you want to do to me?”

“I don’t want to do anything to you, sweets. But I’ll do anything you want with you.”

That he knew the distinction between the two, and cared about it, turned her on as much as his touch. “I’m going to tell you something now, so that I don’t have to press the pause button when we finally get to your bedroom.”

“You can always press the pause button. I’ll never push or pressure you to keep going if you’re not into something.”

God, this man. “I know you wouldn’t. That’s why I want you to hear me say this now, before I’m drunk on pheromones. I want you to know, absolutely, that clearheaded-me means what’s she’s saying.”

“Okay, adorable, clearheaded you. Tell me what’s on your mind, so I can take you to my bedroom and get naked with your pheromone-drunk alter ego.”

“Mmmm, that does sound good.”

“Hell yeah, it does.”

“So, hurry up and get the talking over with, right?”

“No rush.” A grin stretched across his face. “But yeah.”

She smiled in return, then inhaled as deep as her wildly hammering heart would permit. “Tonight, and every other night, I’ll do anything with you. You don’t need to ask or worry or hold back. If it turns you on, it’ll turn me on too, because it’s with you. If I’ve never done it before, I want to do it with you. If I have done it before, it’ll be infinitely better doing it with you.”

“Same.” Dipping down, he brushed his lips sweetly across hers. That sweetness that wasn’t present when he eased back from the kiss, only a mischievous grin. “Now that I’ve got your permission to do whatever I want…” He scooped her up without a warning. “I’m taking charge of the transportation. You’re gorgeous and sexy as hell in this dress and those shoes, but it’s taking way too damn long to get you out of it.”

“I agree,” she said, holding on tightly. “Hurry up and take me to bed.”


“Holy fuck.” Jake froze on the spot, his jaw hanging as low as it could go. Literally.

She’d had plenty of experience evoking this response in men. All of those times had been contrived to gain control. This time was about losing it.

“You are so goddamn beautiful,” he said, shedding layers of clothing as he crossed the room. “Everything about you. Your kissable lips, your beautiful eyes, your gorgeous hair. And your body…” Buck naked and gloriously hard in every way, he stood at the edge of the bed. “You’re a goddess. And I’m here to worship every inch of

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