Sweet as Candy - Karla Doyle Page 0,58

her lips and hips.

“Jake, wait,” she said, when he hooked his fingers under the sides of the bikini bottom.

A man of his word, he stopped immediately. Then looked up at her from his position between her legs, his gaze filled with heated intent.

“I’m not saying stop, but there’s something I want to talk about.”

“Right now?” He glanced at the triangle of fabric covering her pussy. “Can’t it wait?”

She shook her head, giggling when he released an agonized groan. Knowing how long he’d waited for this moment without receiving any sexual gratification, he might truly be in pain. “I promise I’ll be quick.”

“I promise I won’t,” he said, wiggling his tongue against her bikini-covered clit.

Oh, she just bet he wouldn’t. And she couldn’t wait to enjoy every minute of him making good on that promise. Soon. “Jake, this is important to me.”

“Then it’s important to me too.” He placed a kiss just below her navel. “Talk to me.”

“I want you to know that there are certain things that have never, and will never, happen while I’m at work.”


“Please, let me say this. I want you to know.”

“All right,” he said, holding her gaze.

“I don’t let them put their mouths on my body, not anywhere. I don’t let them touch me below the waist. And when I—” The fact that she had practiced this speech in her head at least a dozen times didn’t make the next part easier to say. “When I provide services, they always wear a condom. Even with those precautions in place, I still get checked out at least four times a year. I had an appointment earlier this week and everything was clear, as always.”

“Okay.” A single word after she’d spewed out so many couldn’t be a good sign.

“I know I should have told you all of that sooner. Not waited until we were in the middle of things. There hasn’t been a right time to bring it up, and I didn’t want to wait until after. I needed you to know that I’m not exposing you to anything, and that being with you is different and special and—” She clapped her hands over her face. “God, I ruined our night, didn’t I?”

“No.” Another one-word answer.

She shook her head and continued hiding behind her palms. Whatever disappointment or disgust must be on his face right now, she didn’t want to see.

He moved up the bed, framing her beneath him once again. “Candace, look at me. It’s my turn to tell you something, and I want to say it to your face.”

She owed him that much. Steeling herself with a deep breath, she lowered her hands.

“I’m over it. I hate your job, but I know that’s all it is. I know it’s temporary and I’m prepared to wait it out. Until then, if you feel the need to tell me things related to your job, I’ll listen. If you never want to say another word about it, that works too. I’ve told you this next part before, and I’ll say it again, as many times as you need to hear it. When I look at you, Candace, all I see, all I think about, is you. The beautiful, smart, funny, strong, sexy, incredible woman I’m crazy about.”

“I’m crazy about you too.”

His smile said as much as any more words could. So did his kiss, as his lips connected with hers. He slid his tongue into her mouth. In and out, in and out, his kiss showed her what he planned to do once he’d liberated her of the bikini bottoms. Something she wished he’d do soon.

“Want to talk about anything else?” he asked, pressing two fingers against the fabric between her legs.

“Actually, yes.” Drawing her bottom lip between her teeth couldn’t prevent the giggle from escaping when the tortured expression returned to his handsome face. “Just kidding. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

Heat flared in his eyes. “Neither can I.” Lowering his weight slowly, he worked his way down, lighting up every nerve ending with his kisses and nips.

She lifted her hips as he freed her of the bikini bottom. Her heart kicked into full-gallop mode as he rose from the bed to strip off his clothes. This was it.

Tall, sun-bronzed and athletically muscular, he could pass for one of those Greek god statues. Except for one thing. Those statues never had much going on south of their washboard abs. Strictly twig and berries. Jake, on the other hand, had plenty going on. And on and on. And more specifically,

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