Sweet as Candy - Karla Doyle Page 0,30

man at her side.

She’d spoken quietly, maybe he hadn’t heard her. “Jake.” That’d been twice as loud as the first time. Still nothing. “Jake, wake up,” she said, lightly shaking the arm that’d been curled around her shoulders for the past two hours.

He jerked awake, meeting her gaze with sleep-glazed eyes. “Hey.” He glanced at the TV, black and silent since she turned it off five minutes ago, and winced. “Shit. How long have I been out?”

“I’m not sure. What was the last part you saw?”

He squinted, closed one eye. If that was his thinking-hard face, she’d have to ask more difficult-to-answer questions, because it was kind of adorable.

The metaphorical lightbulb came on above his head. “She was waiting in the coffee shop.”

“Had Joe gone in yet?”

“Is that the main guy?” he asked, and she nodded. “Then no. He was looking through the window at her.”

“Too bad you missed the rest of the scene. It’s a good one.”

“Maybe we can watch it again sometime.”

“Uh-huh. I’m sure that’s high on your to-do list.”

“Anything with you is high on my list.” He pulled her in for a soft, lingering kiss. “Sorry for nodding off. My twelve-hour shift started at seven this morning.”

In her head, she counted backward on the clock. Aside from his nap during the movie, he’d been awake around eighteen hours. No wonder he’d fallen asleep.

“Why didn’t you tell me it was too late when I called? You should’ve told me tonight wasn’t good for you.”

“Tonight was great for me. I should get going, though. Let you head to bed and catch a few hours myself.” He pressed his lips to her forehead, then rose from the couch, holding her hand as she joined him.

They walked to the door, where he threaded his fingers through her hair, letting it sift from his hand. Such a gentle, relaxing touch. Intimate, despite its innocence.

“I’m glad you called,” he said, giving her a smile that matched his touch.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, savoring the remaining moments of his embrace. “Then you won’t mind if I call again.”

“I’m counting on it, sweets,” he said, sealing the deal with a soft and sexy goodnight kiss.


The traffic lights had been on Jake’s side last night. Not so much tonight—it’d taken him twice as long to drive across the city to Candace’s place. Twenty-three too-damn-long minutes.

He turned on to her street and slowed as he approached her townhouse. A light was on in her living room, silhouetting her form where she stood, watching out the front window. Waiting for him. If she was half as eager to see him as he was to be with her, he’d call it a win. Hell, the fact that she’d called him two nights in a row was a win. Whatever happened next was an added bonus.

His phone dinged as he parked beneath a streetlamp, alongside the curb. He pulled his cell from his pocket and pressed a button to illuminate the screen.

Text message from Candace, the notification box read. She must have sent it after she saw him pull up. He swiped with his thumb and tapped in his passcode. One more tap and the message opened in full.

Did you take the scenic route this time?

She was eager to see him too. Awesome.

Another message popped up as he opened the Cherokee’s door.

I can see your smile from here.

He banged off a text and hit Send while heading up her front walk.

You inspired the smile.

Three dots rippled in a comment bubble on her side of the screen, then the bubble disappeared and the front door opened.

“Talking in person is better,” she said, leaning against the doorframe, looking sexy as hell in cutoff sweatpants and a faded, Blue Jays t-shirt.

“Everything is better in person. Especially when you’re the person.” He shoved the phone in his pocket. Holding her hips, he walked her backward into the house, using his foot to push the door closed behind him. “I’ll lock that in a minute.”

A soft little gasp escaped her lips as he slid one hand to the small of her back, the other to her ass, and pulled her tight against him. “No rush to lock that door,” she said, angling her head for the incoming kiss.

“Good thing, because I don’t think a minute’s going to be enough.”

“It definitely won’t be.” She breathed the words against his lips as their mouths connected. Her lips parted, inviting him deeper.

Exactly where he wanted to be, in so many ways.

Where she wanted him too, according

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