Sweet as Candy - Karla Doyle Page 0,28

of lights illuminated the street. This pair slowed as it approached, sending her pulse skyward. An orange light blinked and the vehicle pulled over, parking curbside in front of her rental townhouse. The sharp clap of metal punctuated the night’s silence as somebody exited the SUV. A tall, handsome somebody named Jake Campbell.

She moved to the front door, watched him through the small rectangle of glass.

Head up, shoulders straight, relaxed strides, eyes focused on his target. He oozed confidence. And sex. She could feel the magnetism from twenty feet away, through a solid wood door. God help her once he was inside the house.

“This isn’t a booty call,” she said, opening the door—and her mouth—before he had the opportunity to knock. Before he distracted her with one of his smiles.

“You beat me to it, sweets. I was going to tell you the same thing.”

She burst out laughing, so spontaneously and loudly, she probably had the neighbors peeking out the windows to see what was going on.

“I’m glad we got that cleared up,” he said. Out came his irresistible, charming grin. “Now I can tell you that you look great without you thinking I have ulterior motives.”

“Uh-huh.” She bit the inside of her cheek, but it was no use. The smile on her face was growing by the second. Because of him.

“You look great,” he said, repeating the compliment while joining her on the small concrete stoop. Crowding her, to be more accurate.

“I doubt bare feet, yoga pants and a faded, old, university sweatshirt do it for you.”

“You do it for me.” Could’ve been a line, one he’d used countless times on a slew of women. Combined with the way he looked at her, though… If he was playing her, he was doing so masterfully.

His gaze traveled from her face to her naked toes and back again. Oh, he wanted her. There was no doubt about it when their eyes met. Even dressed this way, in some of her least sexy clothes, his attraction to her was almost palpable.

She’d be lying if she said it was a one-way street. Remembering how good his arms had felt around her this morning, the sweet assertiveness of his kiss…

“What movie are we watching?” His question jerked her back to the moment. Also to the fact that they were still standing outside her wide-open front door.

“I narrowed it to a short list. You can make the final choice.”

“Sounds good.”

She stepped into the house. Jake followed closely, his palm lightly spanning the small of her back. He’d done the same thing at Lucky’s. She hadn’t been in a position or mindset to really enjoy it there. She was now. A simple touch laced with intimacy. With possession and security. The gentle firmness warmed her skin, made it tingle, even through her baggy sweatshirt.

“My daughter is asleep upstairs,” she said, as they passed the staircase on their way to the living room.

“Will the movie wake her up?”

Candace shook her head. “It takes her a while to fall asleep, but once she’s out, she’s usually out until morning.”

“Then I should be safe to do this—” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his body, eliciting a surprised squeak. “And this.” Warm breath tickled her skin as he nuzzled below her ear. “And this,” he said, pressing soft kisses down her neck and along the exposed portion of her shoulder.

He was safe from getting caught by a sleepy kindergartener, yes. Safe from Candace turning around and climbing him like a tree if he continued kissing her that way…maybe not.

Holding her close, he steered them toward the couch. He managed to settle them on one end of the couch without releasing her. He stretched his arm behind her shoulders, pulled her closer. With his other hand, he hooked her leg and hiked it over his thighs. The action brought her halfway onto his lap, with her palms and breasts against his chest. Through it all he continued kissing her neck, her collarbone, the divot below her bottom lip. Then, finally, her mouth.

Softly first, then harder, the same way he’d kissed her this morning. “Been thinking about doing this all day,” he said, on a breath.

“Then keep doing it.”

He chuckled against her lips. Teased her tongue with his. Cupped the back of her neck and curve of her ass, then pulled her closer, into a full straddle.

Sparks raced over her skin. And the tingle between her legs…oh God. She opened for him—mouth and legs—inviting him to give

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