Sweet as Candy - Karla Doyle Page 0,25

I started working at Lucky’s, men rarely registered on my personal radar. But even if I had a type and Curtis was a match, that still wouldn’t be why I told him about my daughter but didn’t tell you.” This was it, the moment of disclosure. Confession time, if her stomach would quit trying to climb up her throat.

Jake didn’t push, didn’t demand she divulge the reason, didn’t motion for her to get on with it. He waited patiently, his gaze never straying from her face.

She exhaled slowly, readying for the next part. The words that would change their relationship. “I told Curtis because it didn’t matter what he thought. Curtis wasn’t safe because he’s a good guy or a cop, he was safe because he meant nothing to me. Because he belonged to Sara, not to me.”

Blue eyes that’d been cool and narrow a few minutes ago widened as the meaning behind her words soaked into his jealous, alpha-male brain.

“I chose to tell you about my daughter in a way that gave you an easy out if you couldn’t handle it—and you told me yourself that you couldn’t. It was a test, Jake, and unfortunately, you failed.”

“So give me a retake.” He flashed her one of his endearing smiles. “You know you want to.” Endearing with a dash of cockiness. Signature Jake charm.

“I’ll think about it,” she said.

“For how long?”

“As long as it takes me to decide.”

“Fair enough. Until then, there’s something I want to make very clear…” He trailed his fingers along the line of her shoulders. Threaded them through the hair at her nape and held her in place while lowering his mouth to hers.

“No kissing,” she said, as his breath tickled her lips.

“That’s a rule for your customers. I’m never going to be a customer, Candace.” He didn’t wait for acknowledgment or permission. Just went ahead and brushed his lips against hers. Softly at first, almost a tease of a kiss. A gentle coaxing that had her leaning into him for more. And more he gave. Firm pressure, parted lips, a sweep of tongue.

She gasped as he wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her tight against his body. “Jake, your equipment,” she whispered, in the brief seconds their mouths separated between kisses.

“Yeah. Can’t help it, sweets, that’s what you do to me.” He pressed his lips to hers again, drawing back when she sputter-laughed against his mouth instead of resuming the kiss.

“Not that equipment. Your police stuff. It’s digging into my skin.”

He stepped backward, lowering his gaze to her breasts and stomach. His brow furrowed as he traced the red imprints created by his various gear. “Not the kind of lasting impression I was going for.” This alpha male wasn’t afraid to let his softer side show—a trait as sexy as his muscled physique or irresistible smile.

She moved closer, framing his handsome face between her palms. “It’s a first kiss I’ll never forget.”

His eyebrows rose, along with the clouds that’d descended on his mood. “First implies there’ll be more.”

“There might be. But only if you stop trying to get me fired.” She slid her hands from his face and crossed her arms over her chest. Fun and flirty were finished, it was time to get serious. “Like it or not, Jake,” she gestured at the building, “this is my job. That’s not going to change, even if we were to start seeing each other.”

“I was an ass for saying it would be a good thing if you got fired. Like it or not, Candace, I’m an ass sometimes, and that’s probably not going to change if we start seeing each other.” He winked. Gently, he captured her hands, one in each of his, and gave them a squeeze. “Causing trouble for you at work was never my intention, and asking you to quit honestly didn’t cross my mind. You be you, and I’ll be me. No changes required or expected, just seeing how we fit together as-is.”

Could she do that, would it work? Only one way to find out.

Chapter 7


The kiss. Jake’s words. They’d been all Candace could think about since he left four hours ago. Since he kissed her goodbye, dating style.

Thank goodness she’d had a slow afternoon. Pushing Jake out of her thoughts had taken conscious effort, but she sure as heck didn’t want him in her head while handling customers. Something she’d honestly never expected to be an issue. And now it was. Or might be, if reality lived up to

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