Sutton and the CEO Forever (Bedding the Billionaire #5) - S. Cinders Page 0,13

they looked a little plumper than when we first brought them home from the hospital. At their last appointment, the pediatrician said they were nearly seven pounds.

I did need help, and we all knew it. “Let’s call her,” I said impulsively.

Mark took my hand in his. “Are you sure she’s safe?”

Brian nodded. “As far as I can tell, the only thing she’s ever done that even hints at bad is she writes erotica under a pseudonym. But that’s it. And it’s actually pretty good writing.”

Brian broke off speaking when I burst out laughing. “What?” he said.

“Sadie, the Sunday School teacher writes erotica on the sly?” I could barely get the sentence out between my gales of laughter. The girls began to stir and fuss for something to eat.

“Great,” Mark said sarcastically. “You woke them up.”

I shook my head. “They need to eat anyway. But wow, I didn’t realize how much I needed a good laugh. Thanks for that, Brian. For a moment, I actually believed you.”

Brian opened his mouth to say something but then stopped himself. Mark had gotten up and taken Evie out of the swing and handed her to me. Before I could whip my breast out to feed her, Brian turned and headed out the door.

He’s said more than once that a brother-in-law should never see his sister-in-law’s tits. There was some kind of in-law incest there.

I tried to explain to him that there was nothing more natural than a mother feeding her baby. Brian said I could do whatever I wanted. He just wasn’t going to hang around for it. Mark agreed with Brian, so when it was feeding time, Brian left.

I pulled out my breast and helped Evie latch on. Then I turned to Mark, who was picking up an angry Avery. “He was kidding, right?” I asked.

Mark shrugged. “I don’t know Sadie, but it’s not like Brian to joke around. However, you never know.”

Indeed, you never truly knew about anyone.


Sutton - A few weeks later

Having Sadie come work for us was a complete and utter godsend. Not only was she a natural with the girls, but she was as sweet and soft-spoken as they came. Being younger than me and behind me in school, I hadn’t had the chance to get to know her.

I was learning to enjoy her quiet humor and bubbly personality. Sadie had been instrumental in getting the girls on a schedule. She also insisted that I get some time with my girlfriends out of the house. I had to admit that in the few short weeks she had been with us, I had learned to like her.

There was something very real about Sadie. She was utterly transparent. I still found it hilarious that Brian had suggested she wrote erotica on the side. I just didn’t bother to share that with Sadie. For all I knew, the girl was still a virgin, and the mere suggestion likely would cause her a stroke of some kind.

On this particular afternoon, Candice and Natalie had stolen me away to grab lunch at Abberly’s. I had to admit that I was having the time of my life.

“Martha, this is the best thing I have ever eaten!” I mumbled through my ginormous bite. I was inhaling the sandwich that Martha had brought to me and honestly thinking about ordering two more for supper.

Martha rolled her eyes, but I could tell by the twitch of her lips that she enjoyed the compliment. Martha had been a thorn in my side for most of my life. What I hadn’t known was that it was only a cover so that nobody would suspect she and Earl were protecting me. I felt a certain closeness with her because she also was protecting my mom all of those years.

Some people might have left when the person you were trying to keep safe was slowly killing themselves with drugs, men, and alcohol. But Martha and Earl didn’t. I loved them—sassy mouths and all.

“Girl, just you listen to me. If that handsome husband of yours wants to hire another nanny for the night, you take him up on it. Lord knows you can afford it.”

Laughing, I shook my head. “I don’t need another nanny. Besides, I haven’t had a major meltdown in ages.”

Martha shook her head as she refilled our sweet tea and then left to help another table.

As she ambled over to see what they needed, Candice said, “She’s getting older. I wonder how long she’ll be able to keep up with Copyright 2016 - 2024