Survivor - By Kaye Draper Page 0,67

estimate of his age. Was he worried because he was often isolated from the rest of the coven?

“I was his favorite, so he kept me close, even when I was of an age where I should have been able to begin my own coven.” He looked out over the quiet water for a moment before continuing. “Some of us have…abilities…”

I nodded. I had heard rumors that some vampires were just a little more talented than others. Leah could influence people’s moods, exerting a calming effect. Peter was a superb fighter.

“My master could slip into people’s minds. It only worked on the weaker vampires, but because he was my master, I had no resistance to him.” He sighed, dropping his serious mood like shedding a layer of clothing. “And then one day I grew strong enough to escape his influence.”

“And you came here to be with the rest of the orphan vampires,” I said softly. I was lucky that I had Peter. I knew, though I tried to forget it, that other masters were often abusive in their control over their children.

Haine laughed, a beautiful, rippling sound that carried over the water. “Orphan vampires. I like it.” He brushed his silvery hair back from his eyes. “It took me a while to find my way here. The other vampires tend to avoid me. I think they can sense that I’m stronger than any of them, no matter how I try to hide it. But I’ve been happy in this place.”

I went to join him by the water. “Then why do you sound so lonely?”

He snorted. “Lonely? Me? I’m above such things.”

I laughed and nudged him. “Of course, you have me for a friend, so what more could you ask for?”

He was quiet again for some time. When he spoke again, he surprised the hell out of me. “Melody, I want you to bite me.”

I didn’t know what to say. For a full minute, I just stared, thinking I’d heard him wrong. “What?”

He turned to me, his eyes liquid silver in the moonlight. “I have lived much of my life under someone’s control. I am happy to be free, but it is… lonely… to suddenly be without a connection to someone. I want you to bite me.”

I swallowed hard. Feeding from humans was one thing, but among vampires, a bite had more significance. The only time vampires fed from other vampires was if they were in a master/child relationship where the young vampire needed his master’s blood. Or if two vampires were a mated pair.

“Whoa…” I said, holding up my hands. My mind was stumbling over itself as I tried to find words. “Haine… I’m Peter’s mate.” I was glad for the semi-privacy the dark afforded. I’d never said it before. It sounded so medieval.

He took a step closer, slowly closing the distance between us, and I backed up until I hit the tree trunk. I froze as he reached out to caress my cheek, my heart beating faster than it should have been. “I know.” His eyes met mine and he must have seen the panic there. He withdrew his hand and ruffled my hair, giving me a reassuring smile. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I know you are Peter’s. I simply want…a bond.”

I took a deep breath of the night air, hoping to clear my head. Instead, I was filled with his scent. He smelled like fall leaves and the rain on grass. Not helpful. “I don’t love you,” I said firmly. Though it wasn’t exactly the truth.

Haine laughed. “Liar.” He could sense emotions far better than I could. “But I understand what you mean. You love me in the same way I love you. As someone dear, a sister, a coven mate.” He ran a hand through his silky hair and gave me a wry look. “Well, maybe I care for you a bit more than most of my coven mates.”

I relaxed a bit, realizing how foolish I had been to think that Haine was about to attack me. “I can’t bite you.” My voice wobbled a bit, damn it all.

He looked out at the water again, and I was able to breathe. “Melody, I’ve lived a very long time with no companionship other than that evil voice in my head. I simply wish to be connected to someone good; someone who isn’t able to exert control over me. I didn’t mean to make you feel conflicted.”

My teeth had elongated at the thought of tasting him. Crap. I Copyright 2016 - 2024