Survivor - By Kaye Draper Page 0,64

let out my own held breath. “Thank you,” I said happily. “You will be able to help so many people.”

The old man looked at me doubtfully, but didn’t protest. “So how is it that this miracle occurred?” he said calmly. “Highly experimental stem cell research, the documents say… but what was it, really?”

I glanced at Peter and he nodded. “Do you believe in vampires, Doctor?” I smiled at the absurdity of my own question.

Dr. Walton arched his eyebrows in surprise. “Of all the crazy things I was expecting to come out of your mouth, Melody, that was not even a consideration.”

We explained to him exactly how I had been healed. He took it all in stride, as I had hoped he would. He wasn’t one to fight what was right before his eyes. “So you see,” I said excitedly. “I need help adjusting to all of these changes.”

“Many new vampires have difficulty maintaining control and keeping a sense of themselves when they are changed. Until now, the solution has always been to relocate them or cover up their…slips,” Peter explained. “No one has really addressed the issue in quite this way before.” As if it was simply an injury or a medical change.

Dr. Walton laughed. “So I am the first government appointed vampire shrink?” He guffawed. “Of all the…” He sighed. “I guess we should start soon. I’ll need to learn from you so that I can help the others.” He pulled his datebook forward and grabbed a pencil.

Chapter 16

Peter opened the door for me and I preceded him in. The cool breath of the night air was alive with sound and taste, and I hated to leave it. I was also anxious about seeing my vampire friends again- as brethren. Leah had dropped in to visit a couple days ago. The unprepossessing blonde had perched on my kitchen counter and declared it was about time for me to come out among my own kind. As a human, I had thought her harmless. Now I could see her true nature- master vampire, coven leader, in possession of a very powerful aura. Maybe knowing her as a human had given me a false sense of security. I should have been terrified by the woman behind the ruthless elimination of an entire coven of vampires. Don’t get me wrong- I had a lot of newfound respect for the woman perched in my kitchen, but I wasn’t afraid of her. If I had to bow to someone’s wishes, I was relieved it was her. So I accepted her invitation. I don’t think I really had the option to say no, but she was kind enough to make it seem like I did.

I practically skipped through the door and into the dimly lit interior of the little vampire bar, loving the feel of my legs working in harmony with the rest of my body. Thanks to the quirk with my coordination, I could now pull off movements of agility that even Peter couldn’t duplicate, though I was no match for him in terms of speed or strength.

The bar had a cozy lounge feel, almost as if you were in someone’s game room, rather than an establishment. There were some humans here. I felt my fangs want to come out at the thought, but managed to control myself. I was still learning how to feed without causing fear or pain, and Peter was always there to guide me.

I swept the room with a glance, finding a Viktor lounging in a big leather smoking chair, with his back to us. Tossing my purse on the bar, I eeled my way to him, my movements fluid, graceful, and completely silent. Of course, he could sense a new aura, one that was unfamiliar to him. He would know I was young, and that I was with Peter would mean it could only be me. He didn’t move from his seat or pause in his conversation with his companions until I came around the front of his chair. I quickly placed a foot on the chair, between his legs. The ball of my foot rested on his crotch, exerting just enough pressure to make him stay put.

His gaze traveled from my foot to my face. When his silvery brown eyes met mine, he grinned in appreciation. I leaned forward and jammed a forearm under his throat, choking him. It would have really hurt a human, but it was merely uncomfortable for him.

“Hello Viktor,” I said in a sweet, melodious Copyright 2016 - 2024