Surviving Love - K.F. Breene Page 0,84

you going to do with bells?”

“A lady never tells. Now let me out. Christie is going to go crazy when she sees me.”

Mike slowly got out of the truck, hating that he had to set her free again. After helping her out of the cab, he stared down on her, pulling her in close despite the logic of a friendly hug and a farewell.

“Okay, well…” He hesitated. What did he say? See ya? Adiós? “I’ll talk to you soon.”

Her palm slid up his chest, gratitude in her eyes. “Yes. Thank you. For everything. I’ll call you tonight if I don’t see you at the fire pit.”

“I’ll be at the fire pit.”

A sweet smile curled her lips. Her hand, still soft despite their time in the wild, slid over his shoulder and up to his jaw line. Goose bumps broke out on his skin at the contact. “Then I’ll see you tonight.”

Without thinking, he bent to her, his lips glancing hers. She stood on her tippytoes to deepen the contact, but he backed off. Dangling the bait caught bigger fish. “Rest, eat, see you later.”

“Tease,” she muttered, turning away. She threw a wave at Jake and moseyed toward the ranch.

“You got her pausin’,” Jake said after Mike climbed back into the truck. “Eyein’ you. Figurin’ you out. Got pulled from her herd, disoriented, but not scared anymore. Just needs a steady hand, now. Worst is over. Soon she’ll side with you. Take a saddle.”

“Jesus,” Mike muttered with a crooked smile. “I don’t know about a saddle.” He couldn’t help a delighted chuckle as his groin tightened yet again. The constant hard-on was becoming a problem.

Jake shifted, his hand coming to rest high on his hip.

Mike nodded, reading the subtle cues. “I need to figure out what to do about Duke. Legal action would be best, but he’s clever. He has a way of getting out of trouble. If that doesn’t pan out, I’ll need a backup.”

Jake’s jaw clenched. They’d figure something out. In Jake language, Mike was a running mate, and now Sara was a herd mate. They stuck together. The man was loyal to an absolute fault. He didn’t get involved until pushed. But once pushed…

Duke’s day was coming.

Chapter 19

“Oh my God, you bitch! Are you okay? I was worried sick!” Christie tackled Sara as she came in the door, hugging her ferociously. “Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving with him? That is something a friend and roommate tells her friend and roommate.”

“I wasn’t supposed to. Duke set us up.”

Christie slapped her hand over her mouth. “I wondered. I did. Because I figured you would’ve told me. And then you were gone all of a sudden, with all your drama. Tell me, how did it work out?”

“Christie, I love you, but I have got to take a shower.”

Christie nodded and followed her toward the bathroom.

“You’re going to sit in the bathroom and make me spill the details, aren’t you?” Sara said in resignation.

“Sara, I cannot wait for this. It is essential I hear this immediately.”

Without the energy to fight it, Sara recounted the story as she scrubbed four long days of dirt from her body.

“So what about the situation with Mike?” Christie asked when the retelling was done. “And what should I snag you to eat? Dinner isn’t for a few hours.”

“Food. I will probably dream about food for as long as I live.” Sara sighed, shutting off the water. “I had a breakthrough with him. I love him. Always have, but… just didn’t know it, I guess. Or I didn’t realize I loved him like this.”

“Oh my God.” Christie put a hand to her chest with a smile. “What did he say when you told him? Did he gush? Of course not, he’s not a gusher. But I bet he kissed you. Did he kiss you?”

“I didn’t tell him. Towel?”

“You didn’t?” Christie said, handing over the towel. “Why not? He told you, I bet.”

“He did, yeah. It’s just… I don’t know. I don’t know why. Afraid, I guess. Or not really afraid, but…”

“You need to have a post-mortem.” Christie nodded solemnly and followed Sara back into the room. She grabbed Sara’s pajamas out of the closet. “You need to call that jackass ex-boyfriend.”

Sara shook her head vehemently as she sat on the bed. “Why? I don’t want to hear how perfect his life is or how great his woman is.”

“Yes, you do, if that’s the case. You need to put him to rest.”

Sara was still shaking her Copyright 2016 - 2024