Surprising the Billionaire with a Baby - Elizabeth Lynx Page 0,54

breasts before finally meeting my eyes.

“You could pump. Then I could take him and feed him with a bottle.” He watched me with hopeful eyes.

“That sounds like a good idea. Monty likes to be in your bed anyway,” Jami pointed out.

Monty rolled his lips over his teeth, trying not to laugh. “She has a point,” he said with a chuckle.

Heat crawled up my neck as I remembered when Jami found Monty on the floor of my bedroom, naked.

“It’s not just about that, Jami. There’s a routine, and he likes things a certain way. If Monty had acknowledged Nathan from the beginning, he might already know how to take care of him.” I raised my brow at Monty.

He frowned. It was the truth. I wasn’t going to always keep Nathan away from his father, but I wasn’t ready. He was my baby, and Monty hadn’t lifted a finger to help. He needed to prove to me that I could trust him with Nathan.

“I told him he needed to see Nathan on his birthday, but you didn’t listen to me.” Jami stared at me. “I didn’t understand why you wanted to keep Nathan from his father. Then you let him into your room, and I thought you’d let him see Nathan. But after that, he hasn’t been back to the house since.”

My mouth fell open as I stared at my sister. “You knew Monty was Nathan’s father this whole time? Even at his birthday party?”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, Julia. It’s obvious.” Jami waved at Monty.

“No, it’s not obvious, Jami. I slept with the man, and even I didn’t know for two weeks after the party.”

“That can’t be right.” Her brow pinched. “Nathan looks just like him. They even have similar expressions. See, look, Nathan’s doing it right now.”

I glanced down at my son, his eyes wide open now as he grinned. I heard a toot and realized he pooped his diaper. But even with that poop-smile, I saw what Jami was talking about. Why hadn’t I noticed it before?

“My God, Nathan looks like you.” I glanced up at Monty, and he had the same sloppy smile on his face.

He stared at Nathan with tremendous emotion in his eyes.

It wasn’t fair. What I was doing to him wasn’t right.

“I know you want to spend time with him, and I’m sorry I’ve kept him from you.” What kind of mother does this? I felt like a fraud.

“It’s not like I gave you much reason to trust me.”

“I know, but he’s your son. No matter how I felt about you taking so long to inform me that you were the father, you should be in his life too.”

“Really?” He reached over and pulled me into an embrace. It was awkward, as Nathan’s car seat was in the way, but it was enough for the heat of his touch to send electricity straight down between my legs.

I felt him press his face to the top of my head and inhale. Why did he have to do that? Now I wanted to jump him right here in the middle of the sidewalk.

I pulled away, afraid my vagina would make decisions for me.

“How about tomorrow night? I’ll get everything ready tonight, and he can have a sleepover at your place tomorrow.”

The thought made me nervous. I had never been away from Nathan overnight. But this was his father. He needed to play catch-up.

Monty’s smile faded. “Actually, I’m heading to Colorado tomorrow.”

I was a little irritated. The first chance to be with his son, and he was turning it down, but I understood he ran a company. He wasn’t always going to be available.

“When do you come back?”

He winced. “December, I think. Maybe January.”

I blinked and stood there, processing what he was telling me.

“You can’t take some time for your son? To bond with him?”

Monty rubbed the back of his neck. “Maybe. I’m sure I can get away by Thanksgiving.”

“The end of November . . . You’re telling me you might see your son in six weeks? He’ll be over three months old by that point.”

“It’s the VR project I told you about—”

I held up my hand. “Save it. My God, I actually felt bad for keeping Nathan away from you. Now I give you the chance to take him for the night, and I stupidly thought you’d leap at it. I was so wrong. Do I need to make an appointment on your calendar to fit in time with your son?”

I started to turn, waving Jami to Copyright 2016 - 2024