Surprising the Billionaire with a Baby - Elizabeth Lynx Page 0,50

of the women I knew. Most of them only wanted me for my money. You talked to me. And I kind of liked that you didn’t know who I was. You didn’t know if I drove a beat-up truck or an expensive car or took the bus. To you, I was a guy to get to know and have some fun with. I liked that. And now that you know me, who I really am, you still treat me like that. Just a guy to get to know and have fun with.”

I blinked. How do I respond to that? Nothing about that speech was shallow. Every guy I had been with only spoke about how sexy I was, never how I made them feel. Sometimes I felt like a play toy, and I guessed I gotten used to acting that way.

It was fun, frivolous, but went nowhere. Monty seemed different, not so frivolous.

“Wow, uh, thanks.”

We sat there in silence for a minute. He reminded me of the guy from the closet. The way they both spoke about life was so much alike.

“Then why didn’t you ever say anything? Why did it take you two weeks to tell me and after we had sex a few times?”

“I don’t know.” He paused with a sigh. “No, that’s not the truth. I know. I was afraid. At first, it was getting used to the fact that I was a father. Not only had the woman I dreamed about for months and months suddenly appeared, but she brought with her a baby. You had nine months to get used to that; I had minutes.”

“Fair point.”

I bit my lip. He had been dreaming of me.

“Then, as time went on, we grew closer. Physically closer, and I was afraid I’d lose you again. But it was worse this time because I wouldn’t just lose you, but Nathan too. I’d only seen him once on the interview, but it was enough to fall completely in love with my son.”

Tears pricked my eyes. He understood. I felt the same way when I first saw Nathan. The love in my heart bubbled over into tears when I heard my baby’s wail of life.

I wiped at my cheek. “Being in love with Nathan doesn’t prove you’re his father.”

“I don’t think anything I can say will prove it, Julia. I’m just going to have to show you.”

I waved my hands around to stop him from whipping out his dick or whatever he wanted to “show” me.

“That won’t be necessary, Monty. I think—” The words died on my lips.

He had opened a drawer to his desk and took something out. I thought at first it may be a condom since I thought that was where he was going with this, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Monty threw it to the ground. I reached over and lifted the wrinkled garments.

“My panties and tights.”

“The ones you wore to the Jingle Balls Ball. The same ones you took off before we had sex.”

I stared at them and shook my head. “But I went back for you, and you weren’t there. I found my shoes, but not these.”

“That’s because, right after Laura rescued you, James showed up and let me out. I grabbed your things, thinking I’d see you once I got out, but James dragged me away.”

I got onto my hands and knees and peeked my head out.

“You kept these all this time?” I frowned. “You haven’t been jerking off in them, have you?” I held them out by my fingertips.

Monty lowered his hand, helping me up, and chuckled. “No, Julia. I’m not sixteen.”

He got up from the table and placed his hands on my arms. “That’s why I’ve been acting weird ever since Nathan’s party. It took me some time to get used to everything.”

“Two weeks. It took you two weeks to get used to me having your baby?”

His eyes widened. “Not that long, but it was a shock.”

“You can say that again. Imagine for a moment you’re me. You’re single and don’t have lots of money in the bank that magically pays bills on time. Then you find out a man you never even saw or got the name of knocked you up. That was a shock.”

“I can’t begin to imagine.” He tried to wrap his arms around me, but I stopped him. Pressing my hand to his chest, I held him back.

“No, you can’t. You know how long it took me to accept I was pregnant? One minute. I stared at Copyright 2016 - 2024